Friday, November 30, 2007

Stem-Cell Follow Up

This article is an interesting follow up on the breakthrough on the stem-cell research. That's all. Here's an excerpt, but the whole thing is worth reading:
Bush got it right. Not because he necessarily drew the line in the right place.
I have long argued that a better line might have been drawn -- between using
doomed and discarded fertility-clinic embryos created originally for
reproduction (permitted) and using embryos created solely to be disassembled for
their parts, as in research cloning (prohibited). But what Bush got right was to
insist, in the face of enormous popular and scientific opposition, on drawing a
line at all, on requiring that scientific imperative be balanced by moral


Kent said...

chris, i hadnt visited your blog in awhile and im sorry i havnt. these are all very interesting posts about very interesting topics. thanks for the links and your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

that's such a cute comment kent :)