Saturday, August 29, 2009

Back To School

Drove back yesterday. I'm pretty sure that if I'm going to die tragically, it will be on one of these car rides between California and Utah. Thanks to all those who kept me alive with texts and phone calls. Seriously. Although I must say that it is kind of thrilling/terrifying when I open my eyes and realize that I was, or was about to, start dozing off, and there is the split second of sheer terror when I just hope that I'm still driving straight in my own lane. Nothing jump-starts your heart quite like wondering if you're about to cause some major damage. Somehow it makes it all worth it.

I can't emphasize enough how proud I am of the people that I know. I had some really good conversations yesterday and I was reawakened to just how impressive my friends are. Not a lot of other things can inspire me the way my friends and family do. I am so excited for them and everything that they have going on and are looking forward to, and also feel their upward pull with their examples. Within my circle there have been or will be graduations, new school programs, babies or baby announcements, and engagements or impending ones. I am so impressed and proud to know all of you. It's such an exciting time, isn't it?

I'm really looking forward to this school year. There is nothing like the days leading up to school when hopes and ambitions are at their highest and not ruined or tainted by the ensuing follow through of real life. I just found out yesterday that I will be working with one of my favorite professors for the duration of my program, and I hatched a bunch of new goals and schemes during my drive yesterday, so I have a lot to look forward to.

Among other things to be excited about:
  • Football, both the college and NFL variety.
  • Fall and Winter Holidays - I've already got an idea for my Halloween costume. Does it involve makeup? Of course. Is it at all gay? No. Phew. Man, All Hallow's Eve is the best. The best. Scary movies, haunted houses, crisp autumn weather. Candy. And then Thanksgiving and Christmas are pretty cool too. Actually, I heard some Christmas music the other day and I started getting really excited about it. That usually doesn't happen for me.
  • Being done with the marathon.
  • Baseball playoffs. There is nothing better than reading and studying to the playoffs going on in the background. I can't believe the Angels got Scott Kazmir. I kind of have a thing for that guy dating back to several years ago when I watched him dominate while with the Rays. More to come on that later, Kent.
  • The new school year in general. New beginnings are just exciting, aren't they?
That's all for now. I heard this song and really enjoyed both the song and the video. Have a great weekend, everyone!

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