Thursday, September 27, 2007

Humor Is Funny

I like the extent that some people will go to make a joke. For example, this video that was passed on to me yesterday:

And then I had dinner with some friends Sunday night and among them was Nick. He and some other dorks we knew at BYU are living in Huntington Beach and they created this website to publicize a funny guy game, SmashPong.

I love hyperbole as humor. I was just having lunch at In-N-Out and there was a long wait of course. Then I overheard some guys seated nearby who were older, that looked very professional judging by their attire and over the speaker the worker blurts out, "order #39!" To which one of the men responds with, "39!? I'm like order 14,000! Great!" Just made me laugh. Something else that Greg and I used to do was grossly understate everything. For example:

Greg: Oh yeah, I'm going to be making a ton of money this summer. I'm really stoked about it.
Me: Oh yeah, like how much? like 1...maybe even 2 dollars an hour?
Greg: No better. More like 50-75 cents as a base, and then commission on top of that.

It sounds kind of dumb, but I promise you, it's really funny if the person you're doing with is committed to being completely ridiculous in his/her responses to you.

As a sidenote, I'm reading the most interesting book in the whole world, Progress Paradox. It's so up my alley, but the premise basically is that the author writes about how life in almost every respect is better than it ever has been, but people actually feel worse than previous generations. So interesting. One of these days I'll post some of the stuff that he mentions.


Laura said...

That is funny because Valerie and I have always joked about the humor of grossly over or under stating things. Ours would be more like this
"Guess how much I got this shirt for"
"one dollar?"
"No, $10 ...that's still a good deal"
it totally ruins the person's excitement

Valerie said...

Ditto! Laura, it's good to know that we are still on the same page, # 3,657!

f*bomb. said...

OkGo makes the BEST VIDEOS.
The one on instructional ping-pong has had me coming back for years:

Silvs said...

I love that one too. Totally deflating, especially when you're talking about the steal you got. We all need to get together sometime this month. Serious this time.

OkGo do make the best videos. I'll be posting on shortly...

CAid said...