Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bits and Pieces

I wish I could find the full video because this was my favorite part of his show last week. It's so freakin' awesome. Just a few things.
  • Whenever I do one of these posts, it means that I'm kind of copping out because I don't want to take the time to read stuff thoroughly, or think long enough about something to write it all out.
  • Seeing Amanda Peet in that video makes me want to see A Lot Like Love. Anyone else like that movie?
  • I gave a talk on Sunday about receiving revelation, and there was a whole bunch I felt I left out so you can look forward to that coming up soon.
  • Are redheads the only ones happy enough with their hair color that they'll never change it? or is it because it's too hard to change and still make it look good?
  • It's cool to know a person so well that you're able to pick out every aspect of that person that makes him/her so great. I wish everyone could know Dave like I do.
  • I was more stressed over this past weekend than I have felt in a long time.
  • A friend of mine asked me how much time I spend on the blog and it made me feel self-conscious. Why do I bother writing so much anyway? Are my 10 or so readers that important to me? I revisit this question every few months. The answer always seems to be the same thing: I just like being able to write. I've learned to keep the blog less personal, whatever that really means. I have a separate one that acts as my journal. Anyway...that's why I do it though - the writing is cathartic for me.
  • I like listening to other people talk about their politics, but I don't like joining in the conversations.
  • I might have rekindled my love affair with snowboarding over the weekend.
  • I love how much Dave and Caitlin laugh together.
  • I'm considering writing for the BYU political review, that is, if I can deal with how left it seems to lean. What is that anyway? How do the politics of so many people at a church school feel so left?
  • Was reading a blog about finance and the author was bemoaning why people bother talking about, rather, complaining about the stimulus plan. It got me thinking about why bother talking politics at all...I know that with 300 million people in the United States, it may feel like what you think as an individual has very little sway in the currents of such a vast ocean of people, BUT...it matters. I think the past election should have demonstrated as much with the passing of Prop 8. While each of us may only have one voice, we all have a sphere of influence whose reach extends much frrther outward than we can imagine. What you and I think as private citizens matters, matters in how you approach life and how your course is ultimately determined. I think it's dangerous, and sad, to not grasp that. Indifference is the real problem. I would that thou wert cold or hot...
  • I want to read biographies. I was reading some stuff about Lincoln over the weekend and it all just blew me away. There are so many people worth learning about.
Coconut Banger's Ball. It's a (w)rap!


Unknown said...

I love A Lot Like Love. Last summer I watched it almost everyday. Lately I've been contemplating owning every Ashton Kutcher movie. I'm pretty close.

You have a separate blog? I didn't know this. Somehow finding this out feels like I just found I've been cheated on. Or like you have a secret Swiss bank account that I didn't about. I don't know why you even would have felt the need to tell me, or why I feel like this. I'm crazy.

Everyone raves about John Adams' biography. I've been meaning to read it.

Caitlin said...

And I bet you wish you could know Dave the way I know him. You know, in the biblical sense of the word.

What I'm saying is I think you'd like to sleep with him.

Moomby said...

This reader wants to keep reading! I also agree with Karen, break out the journal-blog!

Silvs said...

Karen and Moomby,

No. My hopes and dreams and fears go in that other blog. You'll just have to live in suspense. Don't worry. I'm much more consistent with this one anyway.


Like to? I've had that guy in bed more times than you'd like to know. We've slept together many times. And he does that terrifying face in the dark when he would get super close to me.

The best part is all that is totally serious.

Anonymous said...

I think that Dave guy is pretty awesome too.

Caitlin said...

ha ha ha.

Shhhhhh. It's better if you don't talk.