Monday, July 13, 2009

Lone Survivor

I just finished up reading the book Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell, which is his account of Operation Redwing, and what turned out to be the largest loss of special forces life in one mission. My brother usually gives me a book for birthdays or Christmas, and I never seem to get around to reading them until months or even years later, but the books he gives me always turn out to be really great. He gave me The Godfather twice (unknowingly) and that turned out to be one of my favorite books ever. The first time he gave that to me was at least four years ago and I didn't read it until last summer.

When I first saw this book, I put it in the stack of other books that I would eventually get around to down the road. Being that I've been so successfully avoiding my thesis work, and living at the house where I have all my books stored, I pulled this one out and thought I should start working on it. I finished it in about three days.

There are a lot of direct quotes and stories that I'd like to pull out from the book, but this interview with Marcus Luttrell gives a good synopsis of the story. I'll save the other excerpts for another day. Whenever I read these military stories I always think about how I should enlist. It would be a great way to take care of my loans, right? We'll see. Anyway, check out the interview if you're interested in learning more about the book.

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