Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Coddling the Chitlins

I haven't read a lot of Michelle Malkin, but I've seen her on various talk shows and have heard her on the radio a couple of times. This morning I read an article by her about how Americans might be coddling their children too much, given the current global climate and hatred of America. It's a short piece so read it.

I kind of don't give intelligent women in the public eye enough credit, but she is really on the ball. My normal pattern is that I just kind of listen, but not very closely until they say something that really catches my attention and then I'm like, WOW, this chick is awesome. Okay, so maybe that was only one other time, and that was with Mary Ellen Edmunds. But after that point, I'm totally a disciple of said female. For whatever reason, this article did it for me. And maybe it isn't even so much the content as much as how she says it.

In addition to her being really smart and in line with my political thought, she's really pretty. So, anyway, check her out. I mean like read her stuff.


Anonymous said...

Nice piece.
Plz add my blog:

Silvs said...

I might if I had any idea what your blog talks about.

Douglas said...
