Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bits and Pieces

The Michigan primary is today. Want some reading? Of course you do. I liked this article the most on Mitt. It comes from a nationally published journal focusing on public affairs in politics and the arts. I liked the comments that follow. It's funny how many people develop their talking points in regards to politics. What are talking points? The issues that people consistently bring up about what issue is in question, e.g. if the economy is in question then Dems and GOPers have their respective points they bring like earmarks, tax cuts, supply-side economics, welfare programs, etc. The RCP poll average has Mitt up by 2.7% in Michigan. It seems that about a week ago McCain was up by 6%, and Romney has been picking up momentum. This is from National Review about how close the race is in Michigan. And this is another from NRO that gives an insider perspective from the Romney camp.

Isn't it funny that there is so much polling and interest in the primaries before they actually happen. I guess it gives people perspective and people like me something to write about.

When that sister gave the talk on Sunday in the regional conference about marathon running I was coming out of a mini-rest period, so gimme a break. I had been at the church since seven in the morning because of priesthood leadership. At least I wasn't in the deep REM sleep that the grandma to my left was in whose volume of snoring was competing with my ability to sleep/listen to conference. I still think she must have been really inspired to talk about marathon running because the message so obviously hit home for me - run a marathon and now I'm actually planning on doing it. Although it is kind of an unusual topic for a church forum, but again...it's inspiring change in one member and I got the message loud and clear.

Does anyone else miss TV? I watched last week's My Name is Earl and 30 Rock. I guess those are the last episodes that they had available? because they were Christmas episodes...

The Lakers have been very quietly succeeding this season. Very much so. Their budding star just got hurt and will be out for the next couple of months, but if we stay quiet they might continue to do well. Shhhhhh....

So I found out yesterday that an ex-girlfriend of mine is getting married sometime in June. What's weird about it? I felt totally unaffected by the news. With her I've become very familiar with the feelings of disappointment of her moving on, or feeling heartbroken about how things have turned out, but none of that was the case yesterday when I found out. While running last night (thanks good sister marathon-talk), I was thinking about all of this and I came to this conclusion: it just wasn't my time with her, and I wasn't ready to head in that direction in general. There have been so many very vital life lessons that I've had to experience and I don't think that I could've gotten them if things had turned out with her. I think I've really gained a lot of perspective about the things I want to do with life career-wise, and have become very settled spiritually. Granted, are you ever really ready for marriage? Of course not, but I can't help feeling that things are turning out just as they are supposed to. And that's just a really good place to be.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

I know, I know. I was just giving you a hard time -- we're pals, okay?

Did you see Mitt on Larry King last night? Man is he a skeletor in suspenders.