Friday, January 18, 2008

Couple of Items of Business

You might have noticed that on the left I have a labels archive. I've only just recently begun to relabel every post. I did the tedious work of removing all the old labels which were way too specific, and now I'm trying to categorize everything using just ten or so different labels. One day that might be of interest to you. It's going to take a little while just because, amazingly, I am approaching 300 posts and that means that's alotta labeling.

Second...I'm noticing recently that I'm getting more and more hits for search words including some combination of Giuliani, Dance Party, and Janet Reno. I love that I'm getting more as the campaigns take more of the center stage. This is probably one of my favorite skits ever from SNL (Saturday Night Live - I'm including both terms so googlers might get redirected to this specific post), but unfortunately it's not anywhere on the internet. I've looked, a lot. Trust me. Should you ever find it, however, please let me know and I'd be more than happy to post it for y'all.

More to come later, but it's kind of a slow news day. However, that doesn't mean that I don't have posts a brewing. See ya.

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