Thursday, January 22, 2009

United States of Barack Obama

I'm sorry for all of the political posts this week, but it's timely and I can't get away from it. Watch this video and then tell me what if anything it makes you feel...

MySpace Celebrity and Katalyst present The Presidential Pledge

Don't let my response influence your answer, but you know what bothers me about it? "I pledge to be a servant to our President."

Seriously? Can anyone not see the problem with the psychology of this campaign? Why isn't "America" mentioned once in this video? Why doesn't any symbol of America ever show up? like the American flag, for instance. But I guess Obama's face is the only symbol for America that I need.

Most importantly, why can't we make this pledge every year? This is land is our land regardless of whether or not the person you voted for gets elected. Do you really think that Bush opposed ending hunger? fighting poverty? or maybe he opposed community service? It's not even that these people are proud to be Americans, they're proud to be Obama's subjects, and nothing more.

Here's an op-ed piece on the video.

I'm going to borrow some of the imagery and quotes from this blogpost, so here you go:
My leader! We can only do one thing: We thank the leader! We say thank you, which is total love and unconditional loyalty! My leader! Wherever the path leads, we will follow! Hail, my leader! —Arthur Seyss-Inquart, Vienna, 15 March 1938

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of Barack Obama, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under Barack...come on America!


gregory said...

well, they did kind of mention america in the part where dude says he's an American, not an African-American, but still i see your point. i love the stalin/mao pics, the obama one really has the same feeling. apparently Obama is the new Uncle Sam? Sorry U.S.

the vid is too much. too much 'i'm a movie star and pledging to be awesome and subservient to the new socialism, what are YOU gonna do?'

um... try to be a good citizen like i have for the last 8 years?

Dave said...

I funk to the United Funks of Funkadelica and to the Funkpublic, for funk it funks, one funk, under Funk, indefunkable, with funkity, and funktice, for all.

Silvs said...

Yeah, I forgot about that one.

Dave, you're really riding that joke today...and it is TOTALLY working for you.