Monday, March 23, 2009

OC Mud Run

So last time I was home I happened across an ad promoting the OC Mud Run on Saturday, July 18th. Up until next week it is $30 for the 5k, and $35 for the 10k. Who's with me? I'm not entirely sure what my plans will be for the summer because I could end up teaching a class in the summer term, but I'm definitely planning on coming down that weekend for this one. It's right over by Wild Rivers in Hidden Valley Park. Kinda weird, but the first part of the course is run around the perimeter of the parking lot over by Wild Rivers/Verizon Amphitheater. In any case they are still advertising mud pits, climbing walls, tunnel crawls, and cargo net crawls. Sounds super awesome...who's with me?

On a Chris note, I'm running in the Provo City Half Marathon in two weeks. I ran more than 10 miles for the first time since the Chicago marathon and I was surprised at how little residual effects there have been. I don't have any muscle or joint soreness. It seems that I got the right amount of carbs, protein, and electrolytes pre- and post-run. I think for me 15 miles is the magical number where the joint pain really starts to settle in. Anything under that I'm good to go.

I can't believe how warped my sense of running has become since running the marathon. I never run less than 5 miles, never fewer than 3 times a week. And before last week, I felt like I had been shorting myself because I hadn't cleared 20 miles in a couple weeks. They say you shouldn't increase mileage more than 10% from one week to the next, but I had to make sure last week that I got a good solid stretch of running before having to run the half in two weekends, so I jumped up from 19 the week before to 27 last week. I've had a lingering calf problem, but somehow running more last week has made that pain subside. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that increasing my mileage made me much more aware of making sure that I was properly fueled. I don't know why it still surprises me how much just eating right makes my body work better.

I need to pick out a marathon to run. The ET Highway Marathon still sounds fun, but I don't think I like the timing of it. I'm thinking something maybe in September. Not sure. If any of the five of you out there are seriously going to commit to one, then I will almost definitely join you...

The last couple of weeks I've started subscribing to podcasts for This American Life and Stuff You Should Know. Love the former, not entirely impressed with the latter. It kind of makes me want to start coming up with my own stuff to podcast. My friends are creative and funny enough that I think we could put together an entertaining one. This, of course, is inspired by Kent who mentioned having done a few with his friend Dave.

Anyway, if you haven't ever listened to This American Life, do it. They have the most interesting stories that you can imagine. I guess I bring this part up because I'm looking for any suggestions on any podcasts that are worth listening to, especially any finance ones. So I guess I'm really asking Jared if he still frequents my you have any that you can recommend? If I don't hear from you then I'll shoot you an email to ask. But if anybody else has any that they can suggest, I'm open to it.

What a lame post...

1 comment:

Moomby said...

I subscribed to Stuff you should know for a little while, but yeah, turns out I wasnt interested in knowing...