Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Anti-Prop 8 = Anti-Mormon?

Found this link through Hugh's blog. This comes from the Article VI Blog, and mentions all of the opposition to the church from anti-prop 8 people. It is truly disgusting. From the Daily KOS post cited in the article:

But when the church and its members invest millions of dollars in an attempt to write discrimination into my state's constitution and divorce my friend Brian against his will, there will be hell to pay.

So what am I asking you to do?

Some distributed research.

There is a list of a bunch of Mormon donors to the Yes on Proposition 8 campaign (in case that one goes down, here's a mirror with slightly worse formatting.

Here's what I'm asking for:

This list contains information about those who are big donors to the Yes on 8 campaign--donors to the tune of at least $1,000 dollars. And, as you can see, there are a lot of them. It also indicates if they're Mormon or not.

If you're interested in defeating the religious right and preserving marriage equality, here's how you can help:

Find us some ammo.

Use any LEGAL tool at your disposal. Use OpenSecrets to see if these donors have contributed to...shall we say...less than honorable causes, or if any one of these big donors has done something otherwise egregious. If so, we have a legitimate case to make the Yes on 8 campaign return their contributions, or face a bunch of negative publicity.

There are a crapload of donors on this list--so please focus on the larger ones first. $5,000 or more is a good threshold to start with.

Feel free to use Lexis-Nexis searches as well for anything useful, especially given that these people are using "morality" as their primary motivation to support Prop 8...if you find anything that belies that in any way...well, you know what to do.

Here's the bottom line for me: if someone is willing to contribute thousands of dollars to a campaign to take away legal rights from some very dear friends of mine, they had damn well make sure their lives are beyond scrutiny--because I, for one, won't take it lying down.

This one is for Brian and the millions like him all across the nation.

It's nothing short of despicable.


Reuven said...

Some Evangelical Ministers see through the nonsense and urge a NO vote on Proposition 8

Silvs said...


Thanks for your thoughtful commentary on all the arguments that I've put forth in favor of Proposition 8. They are both well-thought out, and very convincing.


gregory said...

Oh this article boils my blood dude. Taking away rights? No rights are being taken away. The only rights truly in question will be the freedom of speech, and my right to know what my children are being taught. I guess it comes with the battle territory though right? In war some sides get dirty and messy and unethical and amoral and stupid and mean and inhumane and and and

gregory said...

wait, did you read rueven's link? TOTALLY bogus, horribly fake and calculated counterfeit blog post from a 'Mormon' at the end of it. More like an Evangelical conveniently bringing up every point of difference in a ridiculously on-the-nose way. To me it sounded like an SNL skit or something. What a bunch of malarky. Satan is tricky!

I love the 'taking candy from a stranger bit'. That's real clever. Give a little tolerance to Mormons eh? We believe in something.

emi. said...

thanks for this post.

Marriage is our culture’s ultimate expression of equality–it takes one man and one woman to create a family. Even if a marriage can’t have children or choose not to have children the definition of their relationship expresses this equality.

One could see a lesbian union as a marginalization of men, or a homosexual union as a marginalization of women.

I don't believe government should sanction the marginalization of any parent. And even though some families can't have children, or choose not to have children, you can't separate the child-issue from the marriage issue.

there is a great discussion here:

yes on prop 8!