That's actually a pretty clever title don't you think? So this last weekend apparenty 2 billion people were going to tune into the concert heard 'round the globe whose organizers intended not only to increase awareness, but expand governmental interference. What was the response? Little to nothing. The BBC ran 15 hours of live coverage of the event and at its apex, it was able to attract about 4.5 million. To give you an idea of how significant this was for Britons, three times as many people ended up watching the tribute to Princess Diana last week.
Reuter's reported that the millions expected to show up at the Live Earth Concert in Brazil, didn't come. Is a free concert for poor citizens not enough incentive? The Rolling Stones apparently drew twice the amount at the same beach recently. Nope, that one wasn't free. I also read
this article this morning about what it would require to meet the goals that Al Gore and other liberals are hoping to achieve. Still buying into global warming? Check out
this reference to what many alarmists were pointing to as evidence of the epidemic that is global warming. By the way...that photo is Al Gore at the event, and methinks that those seats also look empty. Does anyone else love the irony of having the headquarters of an event to boost environmental awareness take place in New Jersey?
Yeah... that whole "Rock the Vote" really turned out well for the Democrats as well.
Smoke and mirrors people.
Um . . . yeah. I was so bored I actually checked out the concert for about 5 minutes. Snoozefest. Now, I'm not one to go around senselessly cutting down trees or inventing machines whose sole purpose is to emit carbon dioxide, but I do think this whole global warming scare tactic thing is getting out of hand. Instead of being inspired to change, I'm just getting really annoyed with doomsayers all up in my grill.
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