Later that day I tried Roly Poly, and it's great. Anyone want to open up a franchise with me? I think we'll need about 150-200k cash. I think we should get like 4-5 partners and we'll get loans. We can make this work. I think this is something where it's early enough that we can turn a good profit and get a good location. Think about it. I feel really good about it. I don't know why, but I've just been kind of aching to open up a franchise of something or other. I think it would be cool to have on the side. Get back to me. I'd really like to have one.
I went to the temple and that was cool, and I topped it off with the Simpsons Movie. How can I complain? Brother Lockheart visited us and taught a lesson on significant moments. If I get a minute I will write about that, too.
At the behest of my brother, I think I'm going to blog about the sitch with my mom. Most of you who read this already know about it. I've been wanting to, but have resisted because I thought it might put my mom in an unflattering light, but now I'm realizing that she is such the victim that you can't really blame her for what happened. So look forward to that. There are a lot of things that make you think to yourself, "I can believe this stuff actually happens in real life." So that's my story these days.
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