Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Political Experiments

Here's another article talking about the differences between California and Texas. I'm not going to post much from that article, except for this one point:
My point was simple: California is often a trendsetter in the realm of left-wing policymaking, while Texas legislators keep their government small. The results speak for themselves. But for those who didn’t find the article convincing, here’s another way of looking at the issue.

During my six years of service in the California state assembly, I was on the budget committee and the revenue and taxation committee. I’m a numbers guy. Numbers say everything about a government and its values. Follow the money and you can figure out whether elected officials view themselves as the center of the universe, or whether they think the government exists to protect liberty.
The way states run themselves is a good way of seeing how the liberalism v. capitalism experiment is working out. California is the most extreme end of that liberalism in how the government is run, and the results are quite telling.

I think it's interesting to note how other states are faring in these political experiments. Texas is the most fitting example of conservative politics. Others that were once more liberal that are now swinging back toward more conservative principles provide very promising examples of the benefits of a conservative bent in ideology. I was just reading this morning about Louisiana and its education reforms, but I've also read a lot recently on Wisconsin, New Mexico, New Jersey, and all of these examples speak volumes to how effective conservative politics helps stimulate economies and general well-being.

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