Thursday, November 13, 2008

Me Update

  • I am loving being a student right now. As annoying as it may be to have constant pressure over weekends and what are supposed to be vacations, it's fun to learn. I'm amazed at how different my attitude has been between now and two years ago when I was at Claremont. I was so completely unmotivated in that program. One time I just straight up didn't show up to a final. Who does that? I totally did. That feels like a lifetime ago now.
  • I can finally run again without any pain. It took about four weeks of rest for that to happen. Turns out that it was between a first and second degree tear of the muscle. I can't believe how much I've missed running. That love for it wasn't always there. Definitely not. But I crave it now. And with that I've been able to get back to jumping rope. I am getting the matador move down.
  • Still considering the LA marathon. Not all the way there yet. I'm still not very excited about training in the winter here, and I'm not sure how much fitness I've lost not being able to exercise the past month. I'll decide by the end of the month. In the meantime, anyone interested in the Dana Point Turkey Trot? There is a 5k and 10k. It's a little pricey at $35, but should still be fun. Or the Salt Lake City Marathon is April 18th. I'd really like to get my mile times faster. We'll see.
  • What's really cool about being at a large university is that there is a constellation of really amazing people. Although I don't always share it, the passion that some of these people have in their respective areas gets me excited about my own prospects and directions that I'd like to move in.
  • I don't know what it is that I'm doing right, but I have boatloads of time. I talk to other people in these grad programs and all they can talk about is how busy they are and how they don't have time for anything. Yet somehow, I am sure that I'm going to be able to snowboard 1-2 times a week, get good grades, defend my thesis prospectus, and still have time to catch movies during the day. I just don't get it, though. What is everyone else doing that I'm not?
  • I mentioned this to a friend the other day, but you know what's weird? Being in a ward and knowing that if I don't show up on a particular Sunday nobody is really going to wonder where I am. There are some people that I'm getting closer with so that's nice, but it's a really weird and kind of sad thought. Not that I would ever do it, but I can see how someone who is starved for some attention that doesn't have the right approach about being in a new area can begin to fall away. Sometimes in church I think we fall into the trap of not really caring if someone is there until they're already gone. People who don't have a better understanding or aren't on solid enough ground testimony-wise will go to whoever it is that gives them the most attention. We need to be careful about that and just be more aware of the people around us. Don't lose that coin just because you failed to notice it in the first place.
  • I love BYU. I can't say enough good things about this school. I've been truly blessed to be in this program, to have Dr. Ridge as my advisor, to have the opportunities I have. Sometimes my biggest concern is not taking full advantage of the opportunities I have here or just not appreciating enough what I've been given. My cohort is awesome. The professors all feel so approachable. It's night and day the experience I'm having here as opposed to Claremont.
  • Less than 2 weeks until I get to go home. I can't wait to wear shorts and sandals again. I'm going to be in full on Utah mode where no matter how cold it is in California, it's always going to feel warm compared to Utah. I love that.
  • These guys are so awesome. They're due for another album, aren't they?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's 6am Saturday, and I'm totally dreading going into work. It's only for 4 hours, too. But watching that video totally put me in a better mood!

And yes, they are awesome. I heart me some Muse.