Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Proposition D8

I saw this over on Welcome To My Soapbox and I'm only reposting it here because...remember this guy from our ward?


gregory said...


Oh that guy was the BEST ever! I could never forget his awesomeness - did you guys see his dance routine for the talent show? Just epic, just purely incredible. Remember he won the ESPN Mr. Puniverse contest? So awesome. What's is name again? Nice pants man, nice pants.


gregory said...

ah yes, Ryan 'Stone' Simmons. good ish.

kent said...

i think by far his best performance was when he sang at the ward christmas dinner and his song concluded with him putting a lighted mini-christmas tree on his head. this video is pretty good. he belongs on the stage somewhere.

Caitlin said...

No, no, best performance would have to be: Karoake/lip-singing to Aha's Take on Me. Complete with robotic dance movements!

His sister looks remarkably like Parker Posey.