Thursday, June 4, 2009

Who Is With Me?

So You Think You Can Dance started up again a couple weeks ago, and the Top 20 gets finalized tonight. It is so ridiculous how much I love this show. A couple of my early favorites are already gone - the popper with the red hair, and Natalie who was cut just before the top 20 last year. Is anyone else really surprised that they just cut her outright but let Gabby dance for her life when she sucked in everything besides her solo? Weird.

You know what else is funny? I become such a critic when I'm watching the show - oh, she's off beat; he's not extending his hands; she has beautiful lines. Can I be any more gay?

Yes. I'm signed up for tickets again, but I have no idea who would be able to go when I do get them. Any takers? Anyway, here is the best dance from last year. I still get chills when I see this gay.



The Meesh said...

Riveting. Truly. But now I'd worried about you. Maybe you could talk more street-like while describing their performance. Or indicate you ate a bucket of wings while flipping back and forth between this and "Sports Center". ;)

Anne said...

This show is the best! I told my boyfriend that if he wanted to see me on Wednesday and Thursday nights he'd have to watch SYTYCD because that's what I'd be doing. So he did and now I think he loves it more than I do. He said last night that SYTYCD is better than sports! So don't you worry, you're not the only dude completely and utterly gay for watching and loving it. :)

cropstar said...

i would totally go to a taping with you. totally.

i'm going to a taping on tuesday and i'm fully expecting it to be the greatest night of my life.

oh and how excited are you that there is going to be a FALL season?!?!

Silvs said...

Meesh - Don't worry. I'm quite the quandary. I've posted a couple times before about my tendencies to be both quite masculine and quite feminine. It's weird.

Anne - I'm so glad you still follow. I should have known that a SYTYCD or running post would bring you out of the woodwork. I'm pretty sure that any guy who is honest with himself would actually really love the show, especially upon seeing female dancer bodies. Is there a better kind of physique among sporty women?

Dave - you need a new line.

Cropstar - I actually got an email yesterday saying I got tickets, but I'm not home for another couple weeks so I'm going to have to get on the waiting list again, but I'm super excited for you. Maybe I'll shoot you an invite when my turn creeps up again. And I'm pretty pumped for the Fall season of SYTYCD, but I have a reservation about it that I'll explain in another post.

Caitlin said...

Bro you are so gay. But I can't blame you for loving SYTYCD. At least you're into Cat -- that's a step in the right direction.