This is some love from the show The State. Buy it on ITunes right now if you know what's good for you....That's what I do everynight baby...I cook, and then I chilllllllllll....aww yeah.
“God, how we get our fingers in each other's clay. That's friendship, each playing the potter to see what shapes we can make of each other.” -Ray Bradbury
Thursday, May 31, 2007
david elsewhere
I love this kid. I would post something from SYTYCD, but those dillholes at Fox don't permit that. best thing, I guess.
My Summer TV Love

I love NBC Thursday nights. I love My Name Is Earl; I love the Office; I love Scrubs; I love 30 Rock. Some people don't dig on all the romance that's involved with the Office, but to be honest, that is what makes me feel compelled to watch the show. I can see funny on a lot of TV shows, but not feel attached to what is going on from week to week. I don't know if anybody else is like this, but when there are no new developments with Jim and Pam and Karen, then I'm actually disappointed. Having a storyline carry throughout the season binds me to those characters. It helps me root for Pam. It keeps me glued from week to week. So I was pretty bummed when the season finales all creeped up on me, leaving me unprepared for the long hard summer with no real TV love. And then I remembered. I had completely forgotten about it. I felt bad. It's like I had a sweet date with a girl that I've been so stoked on getting to know better all year, but then the week we're supposed to go out there's a nuclear fall-out and somehow I forgot that we had plans for Wednesday and Thursday from about 8-10 all summer long. Okay, maybe not so much like that, but I can't believe I forgot about it.
It = So You Think You Can Dance
Someone who just read that is thinking, wait, all of that build up for that? And then somebody else is like...oh HELL yeah. And maybe the second person is like, I felt the exact same way, but then that girl called me up after American Idol and asked me what we were doing and how she should dress and I'm thinking to myself, OH YEAH! Thank my lucky stars she called because I totally forgot that we were going to watch the sweetest freaking show ever.
I don't know what it is, but I just don't care for other reality shows. I'm not impressed by American Idol. Maybe it's because I don't really have any musical ability and so I can't really appreciate that. I can't appreciate the craft that is involved with different singing styles. I do really dig the beauty of it, but not so much the craft. Does that make sense? So I don't think I will tap into the full experience that others might, by watching those people compete to be an American Idol.
On the other hand, I am a somewhat athletic person. I can play most sports pretty well. I know what it's like to see athletic talent displayed in variety of different arenas. I know firsthand what it's like to work on some type of physical ability and develop that to the point that it's just perfect. I've been through hours upon hours of practice and sweated gallons and gallons of sweat trying to hone particular skills and abilities. So when I watch this show sometimes I'm just flat out amazed at what some of these people can do. Like sometimes you see some of these things and the only thing you can say is, DAMN. Last night there was a dude from Houston that was popping and it gave me the chills. I watched it several times. Mouth to the floor, heart-pounding moves. And there have been a myriad of routines where I have felt that many times over. With this particular show I appreciate the craft as well as the artistry and that gives me a very full experience. Plus once you start watching these shows you become attached to certain people and that is part of their intrigue, as well. Last year I got hooked on Benji from the get-go, probably because he's LDS, but also I just felt like I knew a lot of people like Benji, and so that helped me feel like I knew him. And then last night, he totally shows up and now his sister is in the competition. And she's awesome. Now I've already got somebody else to be excited about. Summer lovin, happened so faaaaaaast. Summer lovin, so you think you can daaaaance...
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
My Niece's Prayer Tonight

Thank you God for Mommy and Daddy. Thank you for uncle Chris. Thank you for playing dolls with uncle Chris. Thank you for drawing on the sidewalk with uncle Chris. Thank you for the park. Thank you for the pool. Thank you for fun at school. Thank you for gratitude. Thank you for reading the Bible. Thank you for my friends at school. Thank you for...a number of other things.
And this while holding her Ariel doll from Little Mermaid. After finishing her prayer, which were all thank yous, she says, "that was a long prayer, huh?" And then I asked her if she had any favorite songs that she wanted to sing and she sang all of A Whole New World. She sang both parts so when she came to the end she's even singing the echoing part, "a whole new world, a whole new world, that's where we'll be, that's where we'll be..." She's so fun.
And this while holding her Ariel doll from Little Mermaid. After finishing her prayer, which were all thank yous, she says, "that was a long prayer, huh?" And then I asked her if she had any favorite songs that she wanted to sing and she sang all of A Whole New World. She sang both parts so when she came to the end she's even singing the echoing part, "a whole new world, a whole new world, that's where we'll be, that's where we'll be..." She's so fun.
I Wanna Dip My Balls In It!

Holy mackerel! I just found out that they're starting to release episodes from the State on ITunes. I'm so freakin' pumped for this. If you guys watched MTV in the 90's then you might know what I'm talking about. If you watched MTV and didn't watch this show, then you missed out.
"We have the warrant for the arrest of Jesus of Nazareth. Are you Jesus of Nazareth?"
"He just went that way, he's got a short-sleeve shirt and a tie, and he's yelling about his balls."
Global Warning: Global Warming Is A Bunch Of Dog Terd

I was mentioning to my friend today about how annoying I think all the latest buzz is surrounding Global Warming and I made note of an article I read at Powerline some time ago about how in the 70's the trend was toward global cooling. It's a really interesting piece.
I think it's just super annoying is all. I love that people base their assumptions about global warming looking at only the past couple of decades as an indicator of fluctuations that have occurred over thousands of years. Millions of years depending on who you're talking to.
Read the article. Global warming is not something to freak out about. I don't dispute that maybe the average temperature of the Earth has increased by 1/2000th of one percent over the past ten years, but I do believe that it is within the normal fluctuation of the average temperature of the Earth over time.
I guess there is room to believe in something like this:
-The effects of greenhouse gases has been exacerbated over the last century or so because of the exponential growth of human population, in addition to exponential growth of technology and the waste that accompanies that growth.
While I think that may be the case, people are so conscious now of the potential calamitous effects of waste that I'm sure the efforts to combat global destruction has been making up whatever ground we might have lost over the previous X amount of years while we weren't aware of the effects that were taking place. Whatever harmful effects that might have been rendered over time will be made negligible over the course of time. When a planet is thousands, or millions of years old, what has occurred over maybe a hundred years time will have little to no effect on the overall outcome. Please be reasonable.
That blew
I had this really thoughtful post about Amanda Beard and how I am disappointed that she is going to be appearing in Playboy next month, and then it got deleted. How do you come back from that kind of disappointment so early in the birth of a blog? That one hurt me. Especially since I thought it was pretty well mapped out.
Anyway...I really do suck at this blog thing, but I'm trying to be more committed to just things in general. I've gone on a run of not sticking things out and I think this blog is a symbolic trial of the real ones that I have in my life. It's like this - if I can't stick this thing out and write every few days, then I'm going to fail in everything else. So yeah...a lot is riding on my being able to post. What's more is that I haven't even told anyone about this blog yet, so anybody who happens on this is probably not anybody I know really. Funny. I'm an idiot. And you're drunk...
Anyway...I really do suck at this blog thing, but I'm trying to be more committed to just things in general. I've gone on a run of not sticking things out and I think this blog is a symbolic trial of the real ones that I have in my life. It's like this - if I can't stick this thing out and write every few days, then I'm going to fail in everything else. So yeah...a lot is riding on my being able to post. What's more is that I haven't even told anyone about this blog yet, so anybody who happens on this is probably not anybody I know really. Funny. I'm an idiot. And you're drunk...
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
So blogging, huh?
What is with the blogging craze? It's like a less personal journal that we want everyone to read. It seems so self-absorbed, but I'm inclined to indulge in the deluge of blogging. I like that sentence. We'll see how long I actually stick with this. Odds are that I do this for a month or two and get bored and move on to something else. What will probably happen is that I'll get focused on what I'm currently distracted from, then come back here, and wash, rinse, and repeat frequently. I've been wanting a forum to capture some of my thoughts though, and whether or not they are relevant to anything or even worth reading about, hopefully I can pump out a steady stream of consciousness at you. So be on notice.
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