Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Global Warming Arguments Cool Down

If you've been frequenting my blog for awhile, then you're quite aware of my feelings on global warming. I think it might have even been my second post on this blog ever. In light of how freakin' cold it has been in Utah over the last month or so, I just can't stomach the global warming alarmists.

The latest comes by way of my guys at Powerline. I haven't been getting the normal breadth of reading, but I've been really sluggish for about the last week, so cut me some slack. Here they cite another writer on the subject:

2008 was the year predicted to be the "hottest in a century". Instead it became the coldest of the decade. It was the year the North Pole would "melt entirely, allowing you to swim to it". Instead, nuclear-powered icebreakers became trapped in unseasonably thick ice. It was a year of record-breaking cold and snow, everywhere from Baghdad to the beaches of Malibu. It was the year the "Gore Effect" entered the public vocabulary, as whenever global warming protestors got together to march, they were met with blizzards and ice storms.
That's actually the first time that I've heard about the Gore effect, but I kind of love it. This article here mentions how Europe has experienced some of its coldest temperatures in years.

The author at Powerline goes on to state:

In recent years, the scientific debate has shifted decisively in favor of the "skeptics." I've long thought, however, that to drive a stake through the heart of Al Gore-style alarmism, the climate would have to start cooling again. Otherwise governments, which love anthropogenic GW theory because the "solution" is to give them near-total control over their countries' economies, would likely declare the scientific debate over and impose carbon controls notwithstanding the public's lingering skepticism.

And, in what may be the nick of time, it has: the Earth's climate stopped warming a decade ago, and is now getting colder. Here in Minnesota, we're having a winter reminiscent of decades gone by. This morning it was 20 below in the Minneapolis suburbs; there were accidents everywhere because of snow, cold and black ice. That was balmy, though, compared to conditions up north. It was 40 below in International Falls this morning. (That's temperature, not wind chill.) That's colder than I've ever experienced in Minnesota. ...

Alarmists, of course, say that the current cooling is just an instance of natural weather variation that doesn't disprove their theory. The problem is that, for them, nothing disproves their theory. No matter how resolutely the Earth's climate refuses to conform to their models, they ignore the evidence and cling to their theory. This isn't science, it's a combination of faith and politics.
Although it hasn't snowed here in about a week, the snow is still piled up a few feet high on either side of the streets. The parking lot by the Wilk is almost entirely covered in ice. I know you kids in southern California have no idea what cold is like, but it's pretty dang cold everywhere else and apparently that seems to be the case the world over.


Anonymous said...

Attempting to disprove gloabal warming because one year was colder than usual isn't science either...

Silvs said...

First, commenting anonymously is just about the lamest thing that you could ever do.

Second, I've posted about a dozen different posts on this subject that help us to realize that it's not just this year. It's this decade. The world is actually colder now than it was in 1940.

And I think the rest of the world is waking up to this fact now too, as the recent Rasmussen poll suggests a change in the tide of those who attribute global warming to man made causes.

But I guess you can buy into the hysteria if you like.