Thursday, January 8, 2009

Oh Happy Day!

I finally got my power cord. I can't believe how dependent I am on having my own computer. A big thank you to Caitlin for getting that out to me. For all I know it could have gotten here yesterday, but my roommate has the only mailbox key and I hardly ever see him. It's crazy though all the things I look up and read throughout the course of the day, not to mention posting on the blog. No computer means no music to play, no way to keep up on all my political/sports/church/journaling/facebook stalking. I haven't been able to fully put together my lesson plan for Sunday, instead having to write things down by hand like a sucker. It's been awful. You know else though? No computer has meant lots of reading. Finished A Christmas Carol (which is only 107 pages, surprised? I was), and I've blown through this cool book about a fight that occurred in the NBA and how it changed the league and altered the course of those men's lives forever.

On top of all of that, I've wanted to get myself even more dependent on the interwebs by starting to use the tasks function within Gmail. I've known about it for awhile now, but I didn't realize how easy it was to organize things in there. It's awesome. You can indent, check things off. I have a white board (which I love, by the way. Someday when I have a house, I want a huge white board in my office with dry erase markers filled to the brim with ink....I dream big) and that's where all my blog post ideas, resolutions, and to do things go. I'd like to start putting those on the internets to have with me wherever I go so that I don't miss a beat. Kind of idiotic, huh? I know.

Today I decided to not take a particular class because the final for it would be on April 22nd, as opposed to this other one which would be April 17th. If I kept the latter, then I'd be all done with finals a full 10 days before the Spring term would begin, which means more home time. Plus that's around baby-spilling time for Yunior, err, Caitlin rather. I just wanted to put Yunior in the blog. And the books would have amounted to $200 just for that one class. Is that dumb? Maybe. I don't know why I bothered sharing that, but there ya go.

In some sad the day after I had posted about the Camp Pendleton Mud Run all race entries had been filled. January 6th. Most of you got back to me about it, but I don't think anyone was ready for a hard commitment. The June 6th date had been sold out for a little while longer so there was no possibility for that one. Kind of sad, but I also realized when I posted about it that I was going to Spring term finals the week following that race anyway, so it was probably bad timing for me in any case. Sorry, kids. However, in related race news, wanna run the extraterrestrial full moon midnight marathon? Mark your calendars - August 8th. I need to pick out a marathon sometime in the summer.

I'm wasting time. I'll be back with real posts shortly. Be blessed ya'll.


Charlotte Lundell said...

I am soooo in! I'll be signing up for the ET Full Moon Marathon soon. Saweet!

Silvs said...

Please don't just make stuff up like running in this awesome race and pretend like I won't be affected by it. I'm not ready for that kind of letdown right now.

Anonymous said...

what is the name of that NBA book? I am always bugging Matt to read more and that sounds like something he would actually read.

Silvs said...

The Punch by John Feinstein. It's really pretty awesome.

Caitlin said...

Woot woot -- Yunior shout-out! Enyoy.