Thursday, January 15, 2009

Recognize A Real Don When You See Juan

Is it crazy that I'm REALLY interested in seeing this movie?

Like SO interested in seeing it. And I probably won't because I'm afraid the content will get a little too explicit and maybe violent for my taste, but his music is awesome, and the story is interesting. I'm also so curious about how they will do his death and if they'll leave it kind of ambiguous or link it to Tupac.

It's amazing what they can do with television. I caught some of American Idol last night while working out, and truth be told, if I started watching it I could be totally hooked. I am such a sucker for the human interest stories. I was blown away by the white guy whose wife had passed away just four weeks earlier. I think my favorite person of the night was the band director. And Anupe-Dawg was so surprising. I felt like that's what I kept thinking the whole night; whoa! I never would have guessed that person would be so good!

It really all just comes down to good producing. I saw the promo clip for AI featuring David Cook and I actually got the chills watching that, and I have absolutely no connection to him or the show, but it affected me.

Speaking of new television I've been getting interested in, ever watch Psych? It's a USA show, but it's pretty entertaining. It has a million 80's references. And I watched all four hours of the 24 premiere on Sunday and Monday. I hadn't seen any of it since season 2, but I was immediately feeling pulled back in.

It's really just all about good packaging.


Laura said...

i KNOW you would like american idol. i challenge you to watch it this season.

Silvs said...

Here's the thing - I KNOW that I would like American Idol. I just don't need to have another show to obsess about. I can be a casual observer though and enjoy the performances.

I don't really care about the crappy people anymore. That used to be the part that I liked, but now I kind of hate those people because I think they should just know better, you know? I feel the same about SYTYCD. Just get to the good stuff already!

Moomby said...

I don't have cable, so I don't see much tv, but I just stopped by to say I love your title!

Silvs said...

I wish I could take credit for that gem, but Biggie Smalls deserves all the accolades. I'm like Saliere in that I can recognize true genius when I see it.