Sunday, February 10, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday!

To my dear, dear Caitlin Reid...Happy Birthday, 10 days late. I wished it in person and was present for her rockin' birthday party, but had yet to give her the shout out on the blog which she definitely deserves. If you don't know this, Caitlin is my best friend's wife, and it is safe to say that we have bridged the Dave gap and are good, nay, best friends of our own merit. Not only does she comment on almost every post, which I absolutely LOVE, but she and her husband have definitely been there for me when times have been tough. She is very identifiably the reason why my best friend has become an even better person since being married to her and I just love her for it. So happy birthday. You can step away from the edge of the bridge and put on a happy face. Why would you even take a picture right before committing suicide? It doesn't seem like a moment you want to remember. It doesn't even make any sense. You finally got the official Rollin' In My 6-4 Birthday blog recognition that you've been dying for...get it? Good. Happy Birthday Caitlin!


Dave said...

I sure love her. Lucky me.

Caitlin said...

I think I'm going to have some tears!

Silva, thanks for the shout out!