Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Not-So-Super Tuesday

If you're a Romney supporter, then this day has started off poorly. After campaigning heavily in West Virginia, Romney lost the first of the primaries/caucuses held today for Super Tuesday. In the first ballot he had a strong lead in the state over Huckabee 41% to 33%. However, because no one was able to secure a majority of the vote there was a second ballot to determine the winner where Huckabee surfaced as the top vote-getter. Romney people were counting on this state to fall in line for him and to give him a boost for the rest of the day. Now this is a huge setback and could have some devastating consequences. At the same time, this could rally Romney people just the same. This is the Romney camp's press release regarding what occurred in West Virginia this morning. This is from another blog regarding the possibility that McCain reps called on his voters to throw their support to Huckabee.

Romney has been building momentum in California and could very possibly take the state today. Here is some commentary about the swing in momentum. This is Paul's (of Powerline fame) endorsement of Romney and his reasoning behind it. Interestingly, it is because of Paul's reasoning that caused another guy from NRO to throw his weight behind McCain. In that last link, the author references this video regarding some of Mitt's statements regarding abortion back when he was running for the senate:

At the very least that video should make you cringe if you're a Romney person. I know that his positions have evolved, but it isn't too encouraging to know that your candidate is so flawed. I understand that no candidate isn't going to be perfect on every issue, or maybe at every time, but I fear sometimes that Romney people are so scared of the alternative that we are greatly overexaggerating the track record of the person for whom we are giving all of our support, and magnifying too much the weaknesses of other candidates who might not be that bad, i.e. McCain. I mostly say this because I really fear today's outcome and what it could mean for the nomination and the proximate direction of our country if we're faced with a Presidential race without our first choice on board.

In any case, we did witness a bigger upset just this past Sunday than what could occur tonight and over the next month or so. If the G-men can beat the unbeatable Pats, Romney can still get the nomination.

1 comment:

Laura said...

whoo hoo for the giants!! so funny story for you...my dad was on his way home from san jose today, flying southwest, and the guy sitting next to him thought he was Mitt Romney. ha ha ha. yeah, i am sure Mitt is flying Southwest - san jose to burbank - on super tuesday. ha ha ha.