Thursday, February 21, 2008

Some New Links

I think really it's just one, Jared Ong, in the Fellow Bloggers section on the left. His is a music blog and I know a couple of readers would be interested in the music he puts out. It looks like he just started putting it together, so hopefully there will be more music forthcoming. I moved Mike's photo link to the fellow bloggers section also. If you haven't look at his stuff, you should take a minute now.

I was about to start deleting blogs of those who don't regularly update, but that might eliminate about half of those links. The last couple of days I've been trying to steer a little bit away from the current event/political posts, but it's hard coming up with completely original posts that don't revolve around being commentaries. We'll see how long that lasts.

In other news, I just got an email yesterday from BYU letting me know that they're going through their applications and are hoping to make their decisions by the end of the month, so I'm assuming it will be in about two weeks when I'll be hearing back about everything. So far I'm liking just the masters program option because that will give me a chance to reevaluate after two years if I would like to continue on at BYU, or finish up the doctoral degree elsewhere. In the email she had sent it went out to 20 different people, so I'm assuming that that is how many applied to the program. You would think she would have used the BCC option, but maybe the coordinator isn't that savvy. On average they take about 9 applicants, with 23 applying, so my odds are a little bit better. I'm a little bit on the lower end with GPA, but then my GRE scores are way above their average applicant. And my letters are strong and I have publications, presentations, and internships under my belt, so my application overall should be pretty strong. In spite of knowing all that, I'll be nervous about the reponse until I get a definitive answer. I hate not knowing.

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