Thursday, December 13, 2007

I Love Culture

It's true, I do. I am getting oodles of it these days, and will be through next week. For now, I'll just review what's occurred most recently.

Saturday was a morning at the LA temple and then the afternoon at the Getty. Have you ever been in a three hour session? That was my first, and also the largest that I've ever participated in. There must have been about 100-120 people there. I love that temple though.

And of course being so close to UCLA campus, we had to swing by Diddy Riese. Now they're up to a $1.50, but still so worth it. Check out this blog post because it contains a response from the owner of the store in the comments portion. Kinda cool.

The afternoon was spent at the Getty. We moved pretty quickly, probably due to the fact that we had already been up in LA all day long by that point. I hadn't been in about a year, but I actually remembered a good amount of the more significant pieces. I think it's about time that I start visiting the more obscure pieces of art that don't get the same love from museum patrons. One of my favorite things about the museum are the photo exhibits, but this time around they had an exhibit focusing on nude photography so of course, we spent the rest of the night with our eyes glued to the glorious human body. Or maybe not.

What I like about art is that you don't have to be an expert or a critic to really enjoy it. I feel like the idea behind it generally is to stimulate thought or emotion from the audience, and anybody can do that who will take a minute to just breathe it in. I'm really aching to go and see more museums, maybe like a DC trip and see the Smithsonian, or venture over to Europe and soak up what they have over there. I’d really like to see some work by Rodin. I think his stuff is amazing. Of all the classes that I took at BYU, humanities was probably one of my favorites, but I’m just that way. I really like literature and art and all that junk.

I think it would be really cool to have some original artwork. Even better, I would love to be in a position to become a patron to the arts and support some budding artist through their creative gestation. I guess I have to work on paying off my car first, but maybe some day. Here is a place where you can check out a pretty cool program that I came across earlier this year.

And on Wednesday night we went to go see the inaugural performance of the Orange County Mormon Choral Organization. They sang an assortment of Christmas carols. It was really fun. I had never been to the Segerstrom Hall before, and the performance was beautiful. They had an adult choir, as well as children and teen choirs too.

Now this weekend I’ll be going to see Christmas Carol, and next week the Rockettes, Unwritten Law and Lagwagon, Chewie’s Christmas Party, and then the Vandals that night. Peace…on Earth, good will to all men.

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