Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Oi To The World Saturday Night

I had another multi-concert weekend. You know what's funny? Yesterday I was actually thinking to myself, "when was the last time I saw a punk show? I need to go again..." I think I've been really, really spoiled the last several months. It's been a heckuva concert fall and winter for me. I had seen these guys only once before, New Year's Eve 1998. They're a pretty silly band. Mostly they just talk about nothing, it's kind of great.

I'm not a huge fan of theirs, but the show was definitely a lot of fun. The first half of their set they played all Christmas songs, a la the Christmas Album they released a few years ago. I thought they added a nice touch with fake snow blowing into the crowd. The second half they played a lot of signature songs - My Girlfriend's Dead, I Have A Date, etc. I was pretty tired that day and I really didn't feel like going to the show before I actually arrived, but once I was there I was really glad I went. Gotta love adventure mode.

I think concerts are pretty much the greatest thing in the world. End of this story.

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