Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Whatcha Mean Harassment?

Whenever I do a new hire orientation at work I'll put on a video about sexual harassment. I actually think it's really funny because they show all types of harassment. I wish they'd show some gay dudes harassing another guy, but no such luck. There is one shot in particular where the point of view of the camera is looking up from near ground level out from a corner of a room and a guy is bending over toward the camera, and in the background you can see two women gawking at his fine hiney and he just shakes his head in disgust. What I love about that is that is totally not what reality is like. That sentence is just plain bad.

On Kevin and Bean some time back they had male callers phone in about their female coworkers sexually harassing them. My favorite part was that every guy was so stoked about being sexually harassed. Isn't that just so male? I was reminded of all this because this morning I overheard some of the women on my side of the office talk about one of our leasing people. I guess this particular guy is easy on the female eyes, so much so that he's widely regarded as being the best looking guy in the company. The best comment I heard about him was, "oh yeah, I'd like him to lease me an apartment, know what I'm saying?" I just laughed about it, but if I were ever to say something like that about any of the women, I'd probably be facing a lawsuit. Then that made me laugh because if they were talking about me that way and I was within earshot of the conversation, I'd just laugh it off.


Dave said...

Assuming I pass law school and the bar... don't hold your breath... I would advise you to sue. We will make money. No laughing in lawsuits Silva.

Brandy said...

Cute blog Chris. I thought for sure when I read the title it was going to be about me. ;) So...umm...what's the leasing guy's name? :P