Monday, December 3, 2007

I Love To Link

Sometimes I just have nothing when it comes to giving titles to my posts. Romney decided over the weekend that he will indeed be addressing the issue of his religion this upcoming Thursday. More commentary on the topic from my buddies at Powerline.

Then there is this piece about abstinence education and the Virginia Governor's decision to discontinue the funding of those programs. I love the argument by so many people that kids are going to have sex regardless, so really the only option is to promote safe sex because abstinence is futile. Numbers don't lie people - abstinence education decreases rates of teen pregnancy as well as diseases. I wish I had the article still, but they've been trying it in Africa where AIDS is an epidemic and it's really working. One point that I'll mention from this article that I think is important to note is that while it may not be completely successful in helping kids abstain from premarital sex, it does delay first encounters with sex as well as teen pregnancy. These kinds of campaigns are worth donating money to. Think about it...

And then this post from another blogger. This particular blog is just so negative, as well as this particular post titled "Soulja". What annoys me about it is that I'm totally interested in politics and talking about that crap, but I'm not ever going to hit up a party with the idea that I'm going out on a Friday night to discuss the economy and foreign policy. Lighten up, please. But I will go to a party and will try my hand at learning a new dance. A for instance you ask? How about two years ago when Greg and I pulled out Darrin's Dance Grooves and we learned Bye Bye Bye. Yup. The other night I started watching the video below and spent about an hour working on "the V" and my crip-walk. You're right, I am that cool. What I love about this post is that most of you are thinking, "what a dork," and Greg is watching the video practicing it also.'re at a party and that means that for most people they're looking for diversion and relaxation, not an intense debate about the state and direction of this country.


Laura said...

i love it. i used to love memorizing dances (however, note i said USED TO)

Anonymous said...

holy crap, your use of past tense totally threw me off. i read that as 'i used to have fun'. I am watching the video and practicing. And the skills I learn will pay off possibly years from now at some random party at some house, or I will just use them to seduce my wife.

Silvs said...

I wish I knew who rapper G funk-tight was...Dave always takes the easy way out by making fun of me. And Laura is too cool for everything I'm going to go ahead and keep working on my crip walk, thank you very much.