Monday, September 22, 2008


Amy steered me into this article today. It appears in the LA Times of all places, and is a great op-ed on Proposition 8. Very well written, and the best part? It argues the right perspective, but it comes from a self-proclaimed liberal.

Today in my stats class for some reason my professor just started playing all these videos featuring the safety dance. I kind of loved it.

I wish the Conan O'Brien video allows for embedding, but here's the link.

And below is the actual video. This was actually about ten minutes out of my class today. It was so great.


Dave said...

Not surprisingly... I had no idea what the real lyrics for this song were.

And yet, it has not kept me from singing it at the top of my lungs. That's just how I roll.

Caitlin said...

I love that some professors are cool and funny.