Thursday, January 31, 2008

Reading Blogs Late At Night

It's what I do. I read a lot these days. A lot a lot. I came across a couple of gems. This is by Hugh, talking about why we need to rally to Romney. But here is the treasure and it comes from Michael Reagan, son of former president Ronald Reagan. Here is a key excerpt, but the whole thing is really worth reading:

Until last night, when I watched the Republican debate, I had no idea how much John McCain dislikes me and just about everybody else but Rudy Giuliani, who if you believe The New York Times is a pretty good hater himself.

As I watched McCain and Governor Romney go at it during the debate at the Reagan Library I was struck by the huge gap that separates McCain -- whose contempt for his fellow humans is patently obvious -- and my dad, Ronald Reagan, who had nothing but the deepest affection and respect for the American people. The feeling is mutual between McCain and me. I don’t like the way he treats people. You get the impression that he thinks everybody is beneath him.

He seems to be saying, “I was a war hero, and you had damn well better treat me as your superior.” He has contempt for conservatives who he thinks can be duped into thinking he’s one of them, despite such blatantly anti-conservative actions as his support for amnesty for illegal immigrants, his opposition to the Bush tax cuts which got the economy rolling again, and his campaign finance bill which skewed the political process and attacked free

Michael Medved is a talk show host for whom I have a ton of respect, but I have been so baffled by his unfailing support of McCain. Today he mentioned that McCain has Nancy Reagan's private endorsement. I love that the quote comes from Reagan's own son. All around the conservative blogosphere there is a call to arms to endorse Romney and prevent McCain from securing the nomination. Please do your homework and help those around you understand why we'll fail if McCain becomes the nominee.


Salt H2O said...

Polticial Rule number one: don't take political advice from your enimies. It should be a Red Flag to all conservatives that McCain has the support of the New York Times, the Los Angeles times, the governator (who is just another democrat in republican's clothing) and Guliani, who is only a republican because he loves money.

If McCain gets the republican nomindation, we deserve to loose this election- cause we're stupid.

f*bomb. said...

That's an interesting perspective. In watching the debates I felt the exact same way about Romney. He appeared smug and a little too self-satisfied. I'm not voting in the Republican Primary, but I can see why Romney might turn Republicans off. (The conservative side always seems overoccupied with perception...) Hopefully they're listening to what he's saying more than how he says it...