Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Today's Florida Primary

Here are the latest, and last, polls from Florida for the primary today. It's pretty much a dead heat right now. Hugh is still optimistic that even if Romney loses Florida, he can still pull it out next week on Super Tuesday. I'm not so sure about that. It's really hard to say which way this race will break. On one hand, you've got the popular Florida governor's endorsement for McCain over the weekend, but then you have McCain's spurious attacks on Romney the last few days which may or may not come back to haunt him.

And in other news, last night was President Bush's last state of the union address. This is the actual address. Here is some commentary on it by NRO contributor, Rich Lowry. This comes courtesy of Powerline.

Is it just me, or have the last few days felt so somber? President Hinckley's passing over the weekend, coupled with the dour weather, and then yesterday was the 22nd anniversary of the space shuttle Challenger tragedy, among other things have all really put me in a downer mood. Were you old enough to remember what happened? I vaguely remember being in the library in my grade school watching what was going on. I would have been in kindergarden or maybe 1st grade. That one was especially tragic because from what I hear, the whole country was watching that liftoff.

Anyway...hope you're all well.

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