Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Another Obama Socialism Extension

How do you feel when you're buying groceries and the cashier asks you to donate a dollar to such and such cause? Or when you're at the movie theater and when you're just wanting to go see a movie, the person behind the glass wall asks you to make a donation? Do you respond to television ads pleading for children and asking for your donations? I'm always very skeptical of these kinds of ploys. The only organization I truly trust to handle my charitable donations is the church. After that my donations only go to those organizations recommended to me by people I trust. I just don't like giving money away when I only hear some kind of buzz word like poverty, disease, or children, but nothing else about how the organization actually operates. I just want to know that every cent of every dollar I'm giving up is going to the cause for which it's really intended.

So, how would you feel about giving your money to leaders of third world countries? Mind you, these are countries whose leaders are usually corrupt and the resulting decrepit conditions are a result of their poor management. Don't you want to give those guys your money? Don't you think it's going to help those suffering people and not line the pockets of the people who are already doing fine? Remember hearing this story about Myanmar and all that aid that was intended to go victims of the cyclone? For an extended period immediately following the cyclone, the country wasn't even allowing rescue workers in. Ugh.

So how about a tax that siphons about $2,000 of your money each year to go to these kinds of nations? Sorry. I guess this really only applies to the people on the higher side of the 50% of income earners in this nation since those below that line really don't pay taxes, or at least a tiny percentage of the taxes in this country. And so you have the Obama-produced Global Poverty Act. And it's not that I'm opposed to trying to end poverty, but taxing the American people and expecting our country to foot the bill is not the way to do it. Here is an article that explains some of the problems associated with this bill. And the following is from that article:

A statement from Obama's office says: "With billions of people living on just dollars a day around the world, global poverty remains one of the greatest challenges and tragedies the international community faces. It must be a priority of American foreign policy to commit to eliminating extreme poverty and ensuring every child has food, shelter and clean drinking water."

These are worthy goals, but note there's no mention of spreading democracy, expanding free trade, promoting entrepreneurial capitalism or ridding the world of despots who rule and ravage countries such as Zimbabwe and Sudan.

Obama would give them all a fish without teaching them how to fish. Pledging to cut global poverty in half on the backs of U.S. taxpayers is a ridiculous and impossible goal.

...Obama's bill would force U.S. taxpayers to fork over 0.7% of our gross domestic product every year to fund a global war on poverty, spending well above the $16.3 billion in global poverty aid the U.S. already spends.

Over a 13-year period, from 2002, when the U.N.'s Financing for Development Conference was held, to the target year of 2015, when the U.S is expected to meet its part of the U.N. Millennium goals, we would be spending an additional $65 billion annually for a total of $845 billion.

During a time of economic uncertainty, the plan would cost every American taxpayer around $2,500.

Please, don't give this guy your vote. This is not the kind of leadership we need.

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