Friday, July 18, 2008

I'm Tired

Stayed up pretty late last night. I wanted so bad to call in sick today, but I think I'm going to be not feeling so well next week as it is...Wink!

Nope, I haven't seen anything from SYTYCD this week, so don't say nothin'.

Is anybody as pumped for The Dark Knight as I am? The answer is a resounding "no". The reviews are great, not like I would care anyway because I'm a sucker for these movies, but this one is going to be so awesome. I loved Iron Man, but I feel like that one was blown out of proportion by a lot of people. It was good, but I wasn't more impacted when I first saw that one than I was when I saw the first Spiderman, or the last Batman installment. It was good, but not smashing. Sadly, I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see this one. I think this is one that I'll definitely see several times in the theaters. Hopefully I don't ramp up my expectations so high that I get disappointed.

I found this website, Virtual Stock Exchange, after reading the comments in one of the finance blogs I follow (when I first posted I used the word "peruse" in place of follow, and I just remembered earlier this week reading a blog post about 9 words that people misuse all the time and peruse is one of them. I was using it meaning to say something that I casually read, but look up the definition). It's a free service, or game, that allows you to trade stocks, create portofolios and just basically get a feel for the market. It seems really cool and I think will be an interesting, and if nothing else, fun way to get my feet a little wet with investing. If any of you are interested, we can actually create a game together where we can compete against each other and see who has the best gains. I think I might even start asking some of you to join in with me. It's pretty easy so far.

I was reading this story this morning on, and I realized that the video of his story came out before I started this blog so I'm going to include it here. It will make you cry it's so cool. Seriously. You're a bad person if you don't. I just got chills just thinking about it.


gregory said...

dude. i am HEARING you on the title of this post. only i know peeps, but chris is one bad A ceiling tile brofessional. he broed up and help me bro until about bro thirty in the morning. couldn't have broed without you, BRO!

Jared said...

Ooh, I'm excited to see Dark Knight. I wanted to see it yesterday, but didn't want to have to deal with the crowds. My plan is to see it in IMAX. I got those Premiere Pass tickets through work, so that should make it cheaper. Let me know when you are planning on going.