Monday, July 14, 2008

Mormons Exposed

Not sure if I ever posted this site before - Mormons Exposed. I saw the site probably about a year ago. Some of the stuff is kind of funny, but mostly it's just really lame. One of my church leaders actually brought it up the other day and was laughing at it more than feeling embarrassed by it. His reaction kind of made me laugh. Church HQ didn't seem to think it was as funny though, as the creator of the calendar was excommunicated over the weekend.

What's more telling about this story is that the guy hasn't been active since 2002, and in some of the other comments made by the leaders holding the disciplinary council it seems more involved than just the calendar. In one article he mentions feeling like his free speech rights are being violated. Hey idiot...nobody said you couldn't say or do what you wanted to do, but that doesn't mean it won't be followed by any consequences. Just thought the story was kind of interesting. I wonder what else has been going on behind the scenes.


Caitlin said...

I saw that he was excommunicated on MSN too, and I thought the guy was probably a grade A d-bag once I read that he thought it was "the best decision for both of us."

gregory said...

yeah, the guy is totally inactive and has got to be involved in less-than-savory 'entertainment' projects in Vegas, right? I hate people that brandish their 'right of free speech' like it is the ultimate, infallible weapon of freedom that allows you to act without consequence - kind of like the golden hand of the magi card in D&D which smites your legion of skeleton marauders i have no idea what i'm talking about, D&D? you can speak or act however you want against the club, but you can get kicked out too dummy. this thing and the young attitudes are telling signs of the times, and 'good job' on reaching the raised bar for the 100 missionaries interested in appearing in the calendar.

Silvs said...

I need to do a post on my favorite blog comments because that one made me laugh out loud while sitting at my desk in my quiet office.

Yeah, I'll bet his bar was raised after seeing those calendars.

Laura said...

i'll admit when i heard about this story we went and looked at the calendar online and my first reaction was i was a little surprised that he was excommunicated (not that i agreed with it, nor did i purchase the magazine). but then i read the article and there was definitely more going on with this guy.

gregory said...

woooooooooOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH! raised bar he says! I have now laughed out loud indeed sir! Hahahahahahahah! Oh man, people like that make my neck sore from shaking it back and forth so much. I love that young people responded by saying 'the calendar might make it easier for non-mormon friends to consider exploring the faith'?!?!?!?! are you ... umm ... kidding me?

"I'm still a good Mormon boy in many ways." Yes and fundamental jihadists are probably still 'good Muslims' in many ways; doesn't mean mainstream Muslims want to be associated with them.