Friday, August 8, 2008

Catch of the Day

This isn't the popular song on the radio, but I like this video. Maybe mostly just the guy pounding on the ceiling of the car in the back. Karen, you'd like these guys. I have their album. Yes, I'll send it over. They have acoustic videos for most of their songs. It's kind of cool. Check 'em out.

***UPDATE***They're called Airborne Toxic Event. Dave called me a dipsh*t because I didn't put the name of the band on here. He actually typed it all out. Can you believe my best friend would say that to me?

I was reading a little about the lead singer and his story is kind of cool. In a one week period the guy's mom was diagnosed with cancer, he experienced a break-up, and he himself was diagnosed with a genetic autoimmune disease. Is the rule for being an artist leading a tortured life? It almost seems like in order to be able to express yourself artistically, you have to have experience some profound emotion, and mostly that always seems to come through some sort of serious hardship. I think maybe that's why people with gender issues are drawn to the arts because the art serves as an outlet. I realize that these are broad, sweeping statements.

I didn't go to the Me First show last night because I was just plain old tired.

I'm starting to remember the reason why my rule on Rated-R movies needs to be hard and fast: even though there are probably some that aren't so bad and probably worth watching, when I don't have the rule in place, then I tend not to discriminate at all and so any benefits I might get from watching the good ones is outweighed by the crap I let in. It's totally a personal thing and recognize that not everyone needs to implement that in their lives. Having said that, while I haven't gone back to that rule yet, there are still some that I want to see. I know. It's dumb.

Are you all excited for the Olympics? In 2000 I was so bummed that I couldn't watch any of the Olympics while I was in Chile. I remember seeing like 5 seconds of swimming at one of the houses I was at. Were you wondering how much energy Michael Phelps is going to have to expend over the nine days of competition he will be involved in? How about 9 marathon's worth? Yup. Read about him here. He's amazing. This one is about the US 400m sprinter. The guy might break Michael Johnson's records, he's white, and you've never heard of him. But he's smokin' everybody.

I hit my work saturation point. I'm ready to go home now. Sorry these posts suck. I have other good ideas in mind, but I just haven't sat down to dedicate myself to any of them yet. We'll see.

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