Monday, August 4, 2008

That's A Good Meatball!

I can't believe Caitlin made her own meatballs last night and not one of us used that line.

I can't believe how quickly this summer seems to be going by. That's not entirely true. It seems that the weekends keep coming faster and faster, and then pass by just as quickly, but it feels like it's taking forever to get to my last day of work. Funny how that works out.

I can't believe that I've been in my branch for more than three and a half years. I've never been in one ward that long. Not even close. I found out yesterday that I get to give a farewell talk my last Sunday in the branch on the 24th. You know what's weird? I not only don't mind giving talks, but I totally look forward to them. I almost wanted to remind the branch presidency that I haven't spoken in about a year and that I would be leaving soon. Tell 10 year old me that 28 year old me would be saying that and he would have called you a liar.

I can't believe that I got email notification that I had tickets for the SYTYCD finale and I just don't feel like going. It's a combination of reasons. Makes me feel lame though that I'm not jumping on that though, know what I mean?

I was blog-stalking a guy that lives up in LA (I have a feed to his blog - I've met him once), but he was talking about how he relishes hearing about other people's battle scars, i.e. broken off engagements, dropping out of school, etc. And then I was thinking about it...I guess in the last few years I've had several of my own - broken off long term relationship, dropped out of school, severe family crisis. And those are all pretty recent, all within the last two years. Sometimes I think I've had it pretty rough, but then again, doesn't everyone have those kinds of stories? So it's not like I've really had it any rougher than anyone else, or I don't want to pretend like somehow my hardships are any worse than others, because I really don't think they have been. I guess it's just interesting to me to think about how much has actually occurred between the time I graduated from BYU (December 2004) until now. Sometimes you're waiting for life to happen, and then you don't even realize that it's been going on this entire time.

I can't believe the Angels look like they're positioning themselves for a World Series run and I'm not going to be here in the fall. It pains me to no end. Not really. It's been 6 years since one of my teams has won a championship so I think we're due. I love that Matt made a special appearance just to comment on the Teixeira deal. So great.

Apparently I'm chat needy these days. I think it's due in part to the fact that a couple of my main chat buddies have been MIA for the last little bit. You know who you are. And also due in part to me being totally disengaged at work. Completely. It's ridiculous.

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