Friday, August 8, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance Finale

I don't have a whole lot to say. Yay, I guess. Joshua won. He was good. The finale was really entertaining. I like that it basically is a highlight reel of the past season's favorite numbers. Something cool that they did also was show some updates for past contestants from the previous seasons. Who would have thought that the show would actually serve as a launching point for real careers related to dance? It seems that it really has. The best part, however, was the Battle.

And this number was better the second time around when they performed it last night.

And I can't not include this one - my favorite from the past season. Still gives me the chills:

I can't believe anyone would ever think I'm gay.


Caitlin said...

You left out the best part where someone ate Allison.

Dave said...


Why did you ruin it Allison?!?!?! WHYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy??!?!!