Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Indy Films

There are a bunch of movies that I want to see. I think I'm totally morphing into stuck up movie goer where I'm more eager for the independent films that are out there. The only big commercial one that I'm interested in right now is 21. I posted about a week about Planet B-Boy. I caught In Bruges over the weekend. Buyer beware: this trailer is full of swearing and is totally not edited. Yes, it's a pirate film. First one that I've seen in the theater probably since Last Samurai. Not quite sure why I was so interested in seeing this one and was okay with dropping my hard line no pirate movie stance, but it was really interesting. Dark comedy. Dark. Full of swearing. Very funny. It was really interesting how the ending wrapped up.

I just heard about this one today. It comes out April 18th and looks super interesting. I love that Ben Stein is a conservative. The movie goes over the marginazlization of intelligent design in this country. This is a long trailer, about seven minutes.

And here's another one...when I first saw this trailer it brought a tear to my eye. I just really thought it was cute. I think this one comes out this week.

This is the last one. I thought my most recent crush might like to see it, but alas...I'll have to find someone else to go with. Interested?


Anonymous said...

I love indie films! Let me know when you're going to go and I might tag along.

gregory said...

Go see 'Under the Same Moon' - is very good and touching story, also has some good heart-warming laughs! What a gay comment...