Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Who Was An April Fool Today?

You know what I realized today? I will fall for any trick you play on me. ANYTHING. Do you know what that means? I trust you guys way too much, and we do not play enough tricks on one another. I think the best ever April Fool's joke was freshman year at BYU and Laura and Brenna toilet papering my car, but not just that, they changed our voicemail message. I have a CD with the copy of the message on there, and I wish I could transfer it on to here because it's so dang good. The message itself is pretty funny, but the best part is that Dave and I had no idea that it had been changed until the very end of the Winter semester, which was like 3 full weeks later. Nobody said anything about it. It was so awesome. So for that entire time, everyone who called and left a message on our voicemail was getting these mocking guy-girl voices, speaking in higher tones even though they themselves are girls to begin with. That was the best ever. Then sometime later while at BYU, Dave and I were dating some girls that were in the same ward, and I knew that his girlfriend was pulling pranks on us, and I assumed it was just her. And I was so put out by her practical jokes, but little did I know that it was my girlfriend that was the instigator in much of what went on that day.

What did you all do today? It would be nice if you guys actually shared what tricks you pulled, because I think some of them are pretty good, especially Greg's and Karen's. So humor me and at least make comments and let us know. Thanks loyal readers. All three or four of you.

So at work I send out a weekly employment bulletin that has a listing of our available positions. Today I thought it would be funny to post some made up positions, and also include some positions of people who are still with the company like they were either fired or they were leaving the company. I also included a disclaimer at the bottom that I'm sure nobody read that said it was a joke, and to please let me keep my job. What was so scary about it was that a few months ago when I first started sending them out, I had already been talked to about my emails because they weren't serious enough. I was really nervous about sending it, but decided it would be worth whatever reprimand I would get for doing it. Several people liked the made up positions (thanks Greg for the help), but the best was that several people approached the people whose positions I had advertised for because they really thought they were leaving. And one crazy lady that is always trying to refer her relatives for jobs at the company sent me another email because she really had thought that we were hiring for Assistant Forensic Cartographers, Senior Support Analyst - Lumbar Group, Key Grip, and Sabremetric Consultants, like we had just opened up a bunch of new positions. She punched me later in the day.

My boss called up from Atlanta that afternoon and told me that she was going to relocate to Atlanta, and that our CEO wanted her to convince me to stay and not go back to school. She didn't realize that I totally bought it, but luckily I don't reveal a whole lot when I'm unsure about a something out of the ordinary. She told me that she was planning on actually putting together a final check and that I was going to be fired over having sent out that bulletin. I wish she would have done that. I would have been scared to death and totally bought it, but it would have been worth it for the joke.

How about a special shout out to Google for all the crap that they do. I love that every year I totally fall for whatever dumb trick they pull on gmail. And my reaction was exactly the same this year as it was last year. I see whatever they're trying to pull and I think to myself, that is a really weird new feature, who would use that? isn't that going to create a bunch of problems? Oh well, I love all things Google so they must know better than I do. I'm a total idiot. My favorite, though, was on YouTube how all of the featured videos directed you to the Rick Astley video for Never Gonna Give You Up. We were all Rick Rolled, Google. Thanks.


Brenna said...

I totally forgot about changing your voicemail, that was of course Laura's genius idea. I do remember it being fricken cold and snowing while toilet papering your car. We thought we were so funny. Awww, memories.

gregory said...

i'm kind of bad at remembering to pull April Fool's jokes on the 1st, I just trick people on other days and I turn out to be a huge jerk. I should synchronize to minimize.

Salt H2O said...

It's April 3rd and people are still falling for the "Snoop Dog is a Mormon" April Fools Joke.

Some April Fools Jokes will last forever. That one was genius.

Jared said...
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Anonymous said...

I can't believe I missed the Rick Roll April Fools. OMG, I was in Boston with no Internet Access on April fools. Dang it!