Sunday, September 2, 2007

Can't We All Just Be Friends?

Don't you think it's funny when there are people that you have tons of things in common with and you can totally be friends with those people, but for whatever reason you just never cross paths that often and become close? I was going to include this in the last post, but that one was long enough as it was.

Take Kent Sommer for example...we play soccer, like similar music, even have a similar type of humor, and he's from southern California, but we just never ended up becoming very good friends while at BYU. Every element is there that could make the relationship work, but for whatever reason it just never happened.

While at BYU we used to have a little event at our apartment on Sunday nights that we called Hot Cocoa Loco (yeah, I know we stole the name, Laura). There was one dude who played soccer for the BYU team and just watching him play, I just knew that he was the kind of guy that I would hang out with. One time, he found his way to our place at the Loco with Jeff Jensen and he and I talked for like an hour. It was so weird. And I totally knew that we could be good friends, but the only thing that prevented me from pursuing it was feeling HUGELY gay for asking for a guy's phone number so that I could see him more. What is that? I'm borderline heterosexual as it is, I should have no problem asking him out. But I couldn't do it.

That isn't always the case, but there are a number of people who I've come across that I realize, dang...I could be such good friends with this person or that person. I'm trying to be better about it, but it's just kind of funny how sometimes those things just don't happen.


Laura said...

that is so funny because i think the same thing sometimes... i meet a new girl and think we could totally be friends but feel weird asking "so you want to hang out sometime". matt and i also joke about the funny dynamics of "couple dating" and how nervous we can be asking a new couple to hang out with us and having to invite a buffer couple. and also feeling jealous when your couple friends hang out with a new couple without inviting you.

kent said...

i dont know how i never saw this post. its great. i agree with everything you said. dave and i talk all the time about how we are surprised that we were never friends at byu. not sure why, but it just didnt happen. i feel though that we are doing better now. always room to improve though...