Friday, September 7, 2007

Sorry...Been Busy

Here are some thoughts and events that have transpired the last few days:
  • I got a promotion. A nice one. I'm the HR coordinator at the company I work for. I'm pretty stoked about it. I have a respectable income with actual responsibility. This was a big answer to some of my grovelings, but when I started thinking about that...I think sometimes answers to prayers are really only us getting in line with what is supposed to be happening. So when it's not panning out as we would hope sometimes, really we just need to realign ourselves with what the program is really supposed to be. I look at it in terms of, FINALLY! My will has coincided with His and I'm finally on the right path. And that is a wonderful feeling. Somehow that feels better than just thinking...yay! I get more money.
  • Both of my professors agreed to write my letters, and one of them already wrote his. Really stoked about that. I need to find a third letter. I will be seeking some of your council on this one. Not stoked about having to turn in transcripts from CGU. I've asked most of you about this already, and if I haven't, I probably will. I've been trying to figure out how to get around this part of my application, but I think I'm just going to have to suck it up and acknowledge it. It's not like a huge blackmark, but I didn't do great and I withdrew before graduating, so in that's not going to be a strength as far as my application. But honesty is the best policy. Right?
  • Football officially started yesterday. I wish I could have seen that game, but not at the expense of missing the Angels wipe the floor with the Indians. So sweet. Got some hot dogs, ice cream sandwiches. Garret Anderson is still en fuego. Things are good. Still trailing Boston, but we are looking nice and strong. I just love everything about baseball. It's such a cool sport. So chill. It's the perfect summertime game.
  • A friend of mine just got out of a 2 year relationship. I felt terrible for him. Still feel bad about it. This made me think about some of my own experiences. Although trials suck when you're going through them, it really does give you a sense of accomplishment to know that you have braved tough waters, you know what I mean? I've had two lengthy relationships end and being through both of them has been a really eye-opening thing for me. I guess I had to learn the hard way. What is also kind of cool is that my experiences have given me some great insight into helping other people out going through their horrific break-ups, i.e. my buddy. But it always seems like the most difficult ones comes when you feel you at your best.
  • Greg, of The Return of the Khaan fame, did really well on the DAT, the dental school entrance exam. So kudos to him. I'm really excited for him and for what the future has in store for him. Also concerning Greg...isn't it funny that he has a blog that his wife will have no part of? I was putting his link on my blog and I was noticing...Dave and Caitlin...Doug and Kristin...Matt and Laura...Greg and...just Greg. For some reason, the fact that Karen flies her blog solito doesn't make me think twice about it, but blogs seem like they're for the wives of married couples, or single people to talk about whatever. But just the husband...that feels different. Am I alone on this?
  • Tonight is Incubus. Tomorrow is jet skis on the ocean, and also BYU vs. UCLA. I was cordially invited by Dave and Caitlin. Next week is Run Hit Remix, then that night I'm shooting for the Rise Against, Lagwagon, Strung Out show. Life is good.
  • I have tons of stuff I've been wanting to blog about, but somehow...I just can't get to it. I'll try this weekend, but it looks like it's going to be a busy one. Cheers.


Douglas said...

yea, i agree, greg is gay. but no suprise here. he should at least add his wife's name for some semblance of heterosexuality. BYU v UCLA should be sick, jetskiing. when is lagwagon/strung out??? i wanna go. i dunno what else to say.

gregory said...

Doug is much gayer than I. It's a fact that I can prove scientifically w/ DNA evidence, genetic mapping, and patterns of sociological disorders - all things I did well on the DAT. I agree it is weird that I am solo, but what can I do? Laura (like Mario) doesn't see the point in blogging so why include her. Oh yeah, she's my wife, okay, I'll include her. I'd like to summarize this comment with 'Doug is gay'. Good use of semblance.