Wednesday, September 26, 2007

TV Is Back

I am feeling ambivalent with the return of the TV season. On one hand, I love the shows, but on the other...I hate being tied up. I even have tivo and the people I watch with all seem to have tivo too, but it still cuts into time which, lately, I just can't seem to find enough of. It started on Monday with:

I actually wanted to catch Journeyman afterwards, but I forgot that I was feeling that and didn't bother recording it. Heroes, however, did not disappoint. So it begins again with the very first episode - tons of questions, and so many new plotlines. I love it. I'm trying to limit myself to just two nights a week. Next up is Must See TV Thursdays with Earl, The Office, Scrubs, and 30 Rock. If you dirtbags don't watch 30 Rock and keep it on the air, I will punch every single one of you in the stomach. It is high-larious. I wonder how the Office will do with Pam and Jim finally going out. Part of the intrigue is the chase, even for the audience. I feel like these shows that kind of thrive on the romance between two people, who, for various cannot get together seem to lose their punch once they actually get together. Or, in order to keep things interesting, they go through tons of trials and ultimately break-up, and in the end you don't really want that either. So hopefully it maintains its lofty standard. Is Karen not going to be back? I kind of loved Karen. I think all guys did. She was hot and cool, but I feel like a lot of girls don't like her just because she's not Pam. Anyway...enough about The Office.

And, as I'm sure you've been dying to talk about, the Raiders finally won on Sunday. McCown got hurt enough that he was taken out of the game and Culpepper came in and managed the game enough to secure a win for the Silver and Black. He was good, but not spectacular, which is fine. We just need someone who isn’t going to spoil potential wins, e.g. week 1 vs. the Lions, and week 2 vs. the Broncos. The Angels won the AL West on Sunday and the wonderful Caitlin managed to secure us tickets for Game 2 of the Divisional Series against whomever it is that we get paired up with. Are you proud of me? Greg gave me the best and most simple explanation for usage of ‘who’ and ‘whom’. Just ask the question, who(m) is the subject? He is, or him, or whatever the case may be. Now another question…is ‘may’ and ‘be’ always paired up together when juxtaposed? like in that last sentence. I feel like not always, but I’m not sure about that.

The other night I had dinner over at Amy’s and she had a friend over, Ranya. She was recently transplanted from England and her accent is SO thick. I love it. I felt like every time she was talking like it was a joke, or we were in a movie or something because it was just so English. And she referred to the Queen’s English, as “proper English,” not like British or any other way you would think of labeling English English. So maybe I should ask her since she speaks proper English and I seem to be unfamiliar with the rules of my own first language.


Caitlin said...

I really am wonderful, aren't I?

gregory said...

i think you should've written "...against whomever it is we get paired up with." Paired against theM? Kisses...

And the maybe/ may be thing - no official voice here, but I use both depending on the situation. Can't think of a good rule yet.

Silvs said...

It says whomever. Why would you try and show me up on my own blog?