Thursday, September 13, 2007


I wanted to post before I went to work because today I'm determined to not be a lazy sack of crap and be dinking around on the internet all day at I'm trying not to post at work. With that said...I can't really think of a title yet.

Experience I hope to never have again - going to a jail to serve a restraining order. Is jail ever a place you want to go to? I think the answer is no. I've been to visit another person before and then it was to see this corksoaker and serve him the order and I just hate the feeling. You either go because someone you care about is in there, or someone you hate is in there and you have to deal with that person. It was kind of gratifying to see the guy behind bars though. He looked terrible and he was very obviously ashamed to have to see me.

We didn't get to go jet-skiing on Saturday because it went from an affordable $75 an hour to $115 an hour, plus we were chipping in for the 4th guy because it was his birthday so it was going to end up being about $150. my mind when I thought I would be dishing out $120 for the event that didn't seem like a bad idea, but the change in price woke us up to how expensive it really is to do this thing that lasts about an hour. But that's the thing with some of this stuff that is really awesome; maybe it doesn't last that long, but the memory is forever and you'll have a million conversations reliving the event. I vote for Medieval Times now as a replacement event, but no one took me seriously. I think it would be fun, would be more affordable, and wives could come along and have fun too. Takers? Everytime I mentioned it they all looked at me like I was an idiot.

That same day we decided to take advantage of the time together and play whiffleball again, which I LOVE. So fun. But while trying to find a place that sold the stuff because we didn't come prepared to play, we saw a dad wearing BYU paraphenalia, as well as his children. One of the kids didn't have a shirt on and was concerned (he was probably about 5). And then his dad says, "you don't need a shirt, you're a freaking stud." We all thought it was high-larious. Is that funny for the first time hearer of the story? Not sure...but it was great.

I interviewed a guy yesterday and he was formerly an alcoholic and drug addict. It amazes me how honest these kind of people can be when it comes to their past. And open. I just can't imagine having such a serious problem and telling someone about it and looking them in the eye and know that it is what it is and you just can't tuck it away in some corner. Does that make sense? And I've spoken with a few people and the ones who have actually confronted and overcome their demons are always the same - very open, and talk about it unflinchingly. I think it's a sign of penitence and it just amazes me. I think it's remarkable and I have the utmost respect for someone who has confronted something so traumatic and overcome that trial, even if it was their own doing.

That's what I was thinking about the last couple days. I want to do an 9/11 post. Have you guys actually read anything about General Petraeus' report on Iraq earlier in the week? I wonder what spin you've heard. Anyway...That name would work perfectly for a Rock Me Amadeus email to Ralph, Caitlin. I feel like they've had to use that already...


Laura said...

i LOVE medieval times. remember when we went together before the mish? that was great. i love laughing at all the people who get ridiculously drunk and are pissed when their knight gets killed.

Dave said...

I am down for a Medieval Times sesh... i don't think anyone looked at you like you were an idiot as much as we were just looking for an immediate fix--like Whiffle Ball Home Run Derby!

So fun.

Caitlin said...

I want to go to Medieval Times too -- It would be my virgin experience! And even if they have used Petraeus, it's worth a try to think up something and send it in. Let's do it.

Silvs said...

Laura, remember when we were like best friends right before I left? And now you don't ever want to hang out. What is that anyway?

All I know is everytime I brought it up, I got blank looks.

Valerie said...

Medieval Times is cool and jail is not! I went to Utah County Jail with a class while at BYU and we sat down to chat with some of the inmates (the good behavior guys). It was a very chilling experience and I will never go to jail again...unless the cops finally find me...

Unknown said...

I love whiffle ball. We need to live closer, I've decided. Plus, I've never been to MT either. How lame is that?

MikeReid said...

ive never done the medieval times thing ever. my stare wasn't blank, it was one of wonder and curiousity.