Sunday, August 26, 2007

Good Sunday Reading

I think I've mentioned before how I've gotten into reading various devotional/fireside addresses off of the BYU website. I've been meaning to do this for a while, but I'm going to give a list of some links for some addresses that I have really appreciated. I do this so often for other articles, but I don't do it enough for church ones that I read. So hopefully Sundays I will get around to posting these ones that I read throughout the week. A couple of these I've linked to before, but I'll include them again along with some other ones that I thought were good.

  • Elder Maxwell's Notwithstanding My Weakness. I think he was called as an Assistant to the Quorum of the 12 when he gave this address, or it might have been when he was called to the presidency of the 70. It's a wonderful talk about feelings of inadequacy.
  • Elder Holland's The Bitter Cup And The Bloody Baptism. So many great quotes in this one. This one goes over basically what it means to stand firm in the faith.
  • Elder Maxwell's But For A Small Moment. I know I've linked to this before, but this is so perfect if you are going through some rough times.
  • Elder McConkie's The Three Pillars Of Eternity. My mission president used to talk about this one a lot. I always thought he pulled one of his main points that he used to drive home from this talk, but I think it was something he inferred rather than was explicitly noted by Elder McConkie. The idea basically being that the pillars basically serve as patterns throughout our lives. There is a garden state, a fall, and then a redemption. Things seem perfect, we realize they're not, but we can learn to deal as we apply the Atonement.
  • Elder Maxwell's The Pathway Of Discipleship. The topic is apparent. I love this talk too. I have just been really connecting lately with Elder Maxwell like never before. A couple ideas he brings up that I thought were great: we have to apply fixed and eternal principles to the constantly fluctuating events that occur in our lives. That is essentially discipleship. Also, "Without gospel perspective in our lives, we just won't 'get it' either. Special moments will come and go unnoticed. How we manage those moments in daily life ends up either developing character or disintegrating character." I thought those were great.

So, I don't know how good my little sitemeter thing is at tracking what things you click on or not. If it's correct, then you guys aren't clicking on enough. These articles especially are worth your time.


Dave said...

aren't clicking?

Caitlin said...

Stop trying to cram links down my throat. tee hee