Sunday, June 17, 2007

The DAMN Moment Of The Week

I can't remember who it was, but over at there was a particular writer who would write a weekly column about the NBA and he would pick out a DAMN moment each week. There was several weeks in a row where it was Gilbert Arenas. That guy had quite a stretch. Anyway, I bring this up because I'm going to pick out one of those for SYTYCD, and if you have a dispute you can comment about it and make your case.

It came out while everyone was still in town that I love SYTYCD and one of my buddy's totally made fun of me for it. But I don't care. That show is wonderful. So, I figure that I may as well fully embrace my love for that show.

This (as in last week) week's DAMN moment:

  • Jesus and Sara - choreographed by Wade Robson, who has choreographed other such hit artists as Britney Spears, N'Sync, Christina Aguilera, and more. I love that tagline everytime they say his name anywhere.

Some people might dispute this one because they feel like it looked too much like last year's intro dance where they had the top 10 or so doing that zombie-like dance. But I'm going to have to differ on this one just because the dance was still so startling and unique from anything else you would normally see. Really, every dance that Wade choreographs comes across that way. They are simply awesome.

Honorable Mentions:

  • Danny and Anya - Jive

  • Lacey and Kameron - Contemporary

Both of those were amazing. Anya is an amazing performer, and as much as I am annoyed by Mia Michaels, her dances are usually among the most creative. I loved how much Lacey sold out when she jumped into Kameron and the guy didn't even budge. That was cool. Very good stuff.


Dave said...

My name is Dave Reid, you may recognize me from making comments on such blogs as this one, my own, and to Britney Spears' and NSYNC.

I am gonna have to go with the Waltz as my favorite with the oil stomach chick you and Mike Reid think is hot. (I respectfully think she is attractive, but totally not more than my smokin' hot wife) That one gave me goose bumps. I think it's cuz I also have a special place in my heart for that song. It's kind of a big deal with Caitlin and me.

We should try out next year. I'm just puttin' that out there.

Ryan and Kiley said...

OO M Gee.

I love that you love SYTYCD (and that you use the acronym for it!) This is by far my favorite show; and i'm totally obsessed with it!! Although I have to disagree with your interest in jesse-- she's way too granola, sorry chris. i'm in love with the bboy black kid. he's this years ivan. i can feel it.

Silvs said...

You ever talk like that about Jessi again and I will slap you in the mouf. Jessi is beautiful. What's with the sudden rise in use of b-boy?

Dave said...

Cedric is goin home tonight!