Sunday, June 10, 2007

Romney '08?

At first, I thought Mitt Romney was a real long shot for the Republican nomination. I felt like maybe this could set him up for 2012, or beyond, kind of how Nixon ran in 1960 and it helped him to get some more nationwide exposure. I thought the Mormon thing would be something that would take some time to settle in for most of the nation. It seems like with the prospect of electing some minority class candidate, people need some time for the idea to sink in. I think that is true for electing women, African-Americans, Mormons, etc. I'm referring mostly to the types of candidates that most people are not used to voting for, i.e. not white, upper class men.

But according to some recent polls in New Hampshire, I believe, Romney has actually opened up quite a lead. It is so early in the game that this might not mean that much, but the news is definitely encouraging. He is handling the criticism with class and that is helping him a lot. What he really has going for him though is that he really is a good candidate. It has got to be so difficult to run in such an entrenched blue state and be working against/with one of the most liberal politicians in all of America, but still be held in high esteem amongst all those who have had contact with him. That has to say a lot about him. In addition to all of the other success he has had with all of his business ventures. Then throw in the fact that he has raised so much money and this guy is heading into the race with a full head of steam. So we'll see, I guess. But go here for Iowa and here for New Hampshire to see some references to some of the polls that show Romney gaining some momentum. Courtesy of Hugh Hewitt.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I watched part of a panel discussion/debate type thingie in NH last night. Romney did well, I thought. Although, I am somewhat of a political moron, so take it as such.