Sunday, June 17, 2007

Yahoo For Weddings!

I don't think this weekend could have gone any better than it did. The wedding was great. Our friend Nick "Chino" Tsu even made it to the sealing. Racing straight from a 4am shift at the hospital, he walked into the temple as we were being ushered into the sealing room, and as I'm texting him from inside the temple giving him updates as to where we were at so that he could know whether or not he could get inside in the "nick" of time. That's right. I went there. The sealing was nice. I think I've picked up more hard core doctrine at sealing ceremonies than any other place.

I think my favorite part had to be seeing all of our old friends. A long time ago I had a conversation with a friend about how at certain points of your life it is almost like you become teamed up with a group of people that are there just to help you get through certain times of your life. And then some of these people inevitably become so close to your heart because the memories you have of particular times are directly connected to these people who carried you through both good and bad times. It is a wonderful thing to be with those people again. I made the typical oath to keep in touch better this time around than I have in the past. At least for the moment, I am absolutely planning on keeping up these ties with these people better than I have been.
I spent 3 nights in a row reminiscing until 2-3 in the morning about what it was like to live together, to hang out freshman year, and to go on road trips. I wrote the post on Friday about the various accomplishments of all these people, but the absolute most amazing thing was to attend the sealing with every one of them and know what caliber of people I have had the privilege of associating with. This is so mormon-cliche, but it reminded me so much of Alma when he meets up with the sons of Mosiah and how they rejoiced to know that they were each still brethren in the Lord. There is no greater pleasure than to know that the people I care so much about still walk in righteousness. Thank God for that.


Unknown said...

It's really awesome to have friends like that. You're lucky!Def worth it to keep in touch with friends like that!

Dave said...

That is the sexiest jumping shot yet. You loved the backwards me in the other shot though didn't you? didn't you?

Anonymous said...

That really touched me. What a nice entry. Thanks man. You really mean a lot to me too. Always will, no matter what.

MikeReid said...

little does everyone know, we all saw a spider and got scared.

Dave said...

That's funny. Good joke Mike Reid.