Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Everything Is Alright

One of you was so kind to ask how I was doing when you noticed that I haven't been posting lately. I've just been pretty busy these days. Tonight, I have the pleasure of flying out to Las Vegas at 530 and then picking up one of our missing assets to drive back this evening. Best Vegas trip ever. I was also reminded that I should drop by and say hi to the Bonny & Clyde DEATH CAR! that is at Stateline. I actually kind of forgot about that tradition. It lasted for a few years, and then it kind of lost its magic, but I really think we need to bring that one back. I think the only person who is even aware of this besides Laura who reminded me, is Dave.

*The tradition is basically this - at the stateline between California and Nevada there is a casino that houses a little exhibit whose main feature is the Bonny & Clyde DEATH CAR! On our way to and from Utah, we would stop by and scream DEATH CAR an innumerable amount of times, take some pics, then be on our way. I think Laura and Annalee are the only people whoever partook in this glorious tradition. Maybe Chris too (not me, different Chris). In fact I know he did because I can distinctly remember a picture of "Fat Dave" being in there with Gaunt Chris standing there too. This was during a time when Dave's life consisted of going to class in the morning, then coming home and having Red Baron's pizzas with ranch dressing, watching Elimidate and Blind Date every afternoon and then falling asleep for a couple of hours. Sometimes he brings this up to me and asks me why I never told him that he was so fat. Does it surprise you when you look at the sedentary lifestyle you were leading and eating whole pizzas garnished with ranch that you weren't skinny? Anyway...

My life is pretty crazy these days. You know what really sucks about all of this? I actually have like a million blog posts that come up and I want so much to write about every single one of them, but now that extra time turns into trying to take-care-of-all-this-stupid-crap-time, blogging goes out the window. I know...that's the part that really sucks, right? Not all of this other crap.

Just to fill you in, I have talked to the police three times in about a week, spoken with several lawyers, had my life threatened, and now have to go to Vegas. Yesterday while in conversation with one of said attorneys, the actual thought came to my mind, "Not that I would ever do it, but I can understand how a person can feel so screwed by the system that it would drive them to kill." I had never actually contemplated homicide, and not that I was even seriously considering it (maybe more casually, at least), but that feeling of anger and wanting retribution came up and I could very well understand how someone who exercises little restraint in his life would be driven to that point. I think that, unless you have actually had that cognition run through your mind, then you don't really understand what it means to feel something like that. Let me stress that I would never condone the action by another person or consider it myself, but I can see how a series of events could lead a person to feel that is an appropriate action to take.

Seriously...so many blog posts running through my mind these days. And they're about totally random things. Like the next one I think I might do is kind of weird (weird, meaning gay - that's for Laura), and you'll think...wait...this is what you've been wanting to post about? To that I respond with a vehement, HELLs yeah that is what I want to post about.

I think pretty soon I will end up posting some of the things that have been going on just for the sake of expressing and venting. So if you are or aren't interested, you'll be hearing more in any case.

Is it so lame that it bothers me when someone refers to a "post" as a "blog"? For instance, a person might say, yeah, you should blog about such and such. The blog is the whole site, numbnuts. The post is the individual piece. I actually don't really mind that much, and it really is just semantics I guess, but sometimes I'm like...yes, I think I'll "blog" about the very idea that I would so stupidly get annoyed about something like that.

Everybody, I have to say that I just love the people in my life. From those who are close to me, to those who I only know through casual encounters (that is not an innuendo, sicko), thank you all. In spite of everything that is going on, I feel very blessed to have the support that I do have and to live in the circumstances that I am in. You would be really surprised at how many people I haven't heard from in a long time all of the sudden just calling up, or emailing and just checking in on how I'm doing. One way or another we'll all get through this time and hopefully I am not just enduring, but enduring well, as they say. So thanks again. I'll try and check in more regularly.


Laura said...


how come I never knew about the "fat Dave" days. when was this? And Dave gave me SUCH a hard time about my lazy daze!

Can't wait to see the gay post Chris! Hope you win it big in Vegas!!

gregory said...

i was the honored guest at one DEATH CAR! stop: freshman year, driving to Dave's house, snowy roads in the arizona canyon, me going 80, Dave waking up and yelling at me to slow down, laura's car accident, that whole trip. Woot.

Laura said...

...my dad telling me to drive back home with the tow truck driver, Dave's dad stepping in and saying he would personally drive me back rather than have me ride with scary truck driver, us losing chris on the way back to utah, dave driving and being mad at everyone, letting greg drive and having him start driving on the freeway offramp right after we told some other guy he could follow us. yep...that was a great trip.