Monday, July 2, 2007

Knowingness vs. Intelligence

I've been reading a book that I'll be giving a brief review on hopefully today, but it brought up this idea of knowingness versus intelligence. Have you ever thought about this very much? Very often people confuse knowingness as intelligence, when in fact it is not. I can think of some real life examples of this. Personally, I have seen it most commonly expressed when a person tries to overextend their vocabularly. Sometimes it is even possible that the person uses the words appropriately, but the lack of intelligence is not there. In the case explored in this book that I'm reading, the guy is intelligent but without any substantive knowledge. Knowing lots of words or irrelevant facts does not equate with intelligence, though. Anyway, just a thought.


Caitlin said...

I just have astigmatism about people who try to overextend their vocabulary.

Dave said...

I don't know why you're so upset; it's a perfectly cromulant word. A good vocabulary embiggens the smallest man. I like to exude my feelihgs through expressionistic dialisis. Metalogically speaking, we all have poriforous sentimentalities which encroach our very understanding or humanitalities. Unfortunately, more often than not, our humerus detains us from true superfluous authenticity and sublime proliferation.

I believe it was J. Edgar Hoover, in 1987, who said, "To err is human, to forgive is divine."

Silvs said...

You two will love this...

anyway, one of the post it notes was placed next to the sentence: '...and this small town had recently told the only thing it had to fear was fear itself'. lo and behold, einsteinius nostradamus made the obvious observation of pointing out that the comment, and i quote: "said by President Nixon in 1936 after the civil war".

Caitlin said...
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Silvs said...

Just as a word of might be surprised who reads this blog, so it might be wise to be a little more discreet.

Caitlin said...

HaHaHa... Dave is hot.

Caitlin said...

I'm not scared.