Sunday, July 8, 2007

Movie Review: Die Hard

I know, I lied. I have to do this one last one though because it was so friggin' awesome.

Does it require a lot of suspension of disbelief? Absolutely. Is it still absurdly sweet? You betcha. I don't know where this one ranks with the other three. I know the first one is the best. I think I liked the third one a lot. So about a tie with Die Hard With A Vengeance? Probably. There are a lot of parts that I'm just like, whatever. And that was either because it was just way absurd, or it just was kind of anti-climactic. For instance, *SPOILER* there is this one bad guy who keeps escaping death and you think is a huge BADASS, but then he just gets totally worked in like two seconds. The fight that Bruce has with the hot asian chick is way more drawn out than with this other dude. But if you want lots of explosions and to see a tough guy in the mold of, well, John McClain, then check this one out.

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